Of course, the day was also spent thinking about loved ones who have passed away. We got to visit Ky's grave, Devin's sister Shawna and her husband Slava's little boy, who died 10 years ago when he was just over a year old. I never got to meet Ky because I wasn't in the family at the time, but I feel that he is an important member of the family.

I was sad that I didn't get to see my family. Every year we have Memorial Day together at my Grandma's house and go decorate graves in Ashton as well as St. Anthony. This year, they also went to Chris's grave in Idaho Falls. Even though I was further away, I still thought of those we have lost in my family too, including great-grandparents (I am lucky enough to not have lost any grandparents to this point), Chris, my Uncle Charlie, and Cortney's husband Nic.
I am also grateful for the sacrifices of those who have served in the military. When we went to DC/Philly last summer, the most poignant thing for me was the Arlington National Cemetary. I think about the scene there a lot and what those people gave up to protect our freedom. It is a really amazing place. Go if you get a chance!
Ahem. Also. At risk of sounding like a broken record, I would still love for you to donate to the Relay for Life. This is a perfect way for you to help fund research for the American Cancer Society. I don't doubt that cancer has touched many of our lives in some way. Please help fight this terrible disease. I know that money is tight and the economy is bad, but I think you will be blessed for your contribution! :) Click the link on my sidebar to donate. And, please accept a BIG FAT Thank You from me.
I was totally thinking the same thing...about Hallie's largeness...she's slimmed way down! love that the girl is shirtless!
Glad you were able to go visit the cemetery. I have family that is buried in Arlington Cemetery. It's always so amazing to see how many soldiers are buried there.
Great post Kimmie! I can't believe how much Hals has slimmed down!! Also, great plug for the Relay for Life!!
You are a good person and I love you!
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