June 20, 2010

Grateful For...

...these great men in my life. Happy Father's Day to:-My wonderful Father-In-Law. If you wonder why Devin is as great as he is, it is because he had an amazing example in his father. (He is the one on the left in case you can't tell. I should get more recent pictures, but this is all I have from their mission homecoming earlier in the year)
-My step-father Dave. Dave is a perfect match for my mom and he has been kind and accepting of all of us and our craziness. Dave is a great person and we are grateful he is in our lives. (I took this picture from my mom's facebook page. Dave is lucky I didn't choose the one of him in his wool man capote thing that he made himself for camping. Classic, let's just say that.)
-My own dad. My dad tucked me into bed until I was like 13. I would yell at him from my bed and wherever he was, he would come and tuck my blankies (I know, family, that you are going to have 1 million things to say about me and the blankies. I know, I know) around me. I wouldn't go to sleep until he did. Kind of an embarrassing story, but hey, shows what kind of dad he was and is. -and of course, Devin. What a wonderful father he is. I can't say enough about how much he does for Hallie and me and how much we love him. I am so glad that I found him and that we get to be on this journey together. He and Hallie are everything to me.

And of course I am grateful for him as a father, because without him, the crazy girl would not exist. Here are the videos I promised. I thought I would just throw them on this post because really, she has everything to do with Father's Day. For without three of the men above, she wouldn't be here, see...(okay okay, I am just lazy and don't want to do a separate post, so I am forcing it to tie in.)

She is such a ham. I think she may have a career in drama? She has been learning to "sing" the ABCs, so I was trying to get a video of it. She doesn't know the letters really, but sings the tune and it is pretty funny. Anyway, you can catch a part of it on the longer video. But the shorter one, she just wouldn't perform. Such a silly girl.

Note: I cannot get the 2nd video to upload. Oh well. Maybe I will try again later.


Jen said...

You were only 13 when dad stopped tucking you in Kimbo? Try like 18! ha ha! Cute video of Hals. I can't wait to see the longer one when you get it to work.

Erin said...

Hahaha! That video is great! I love this age when they start to really show some true colors! Hilarious...except when we begin to realize it's just the tip pf the iceberg ;)

lisa said...

I loved the post on fathers. Thank you, Dave is great, he puts up with me, what can I say? Now about the blankets that were thread bare and disgustingly dirty......

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

I will leave Stinkie and Pooie alone... for now. But Hals seems so dissapointed with her performance in that video. It was just a tich hearbreaking.

Camille said...

Oh the blankets... hahaha I love Hals! She seriously should go into theater!

David Strobel said...


Do you remember your blankets names? nicknames?


David Strobel said...

I love that video its to darn hilarious "ba by by by by by ahhhht kheeaah" jack