February 10, 2010

Career Ambitions

Comic from here

Hallie has begun to take her "art" very seriously these days. Drawing on paper is fine, coloring is fine, but it is flesh decoration that really makes her happy.

Yesterday alone she tried to lift up my shirt and color on my back (particularly the love handle area, I know she can't resist...) three separate times.

I told Devin about this and he declared that she has chosen a tattoo artist as her career of choice.

Lovely, just lovely. Good thing I have a few years to hopefully help her aim for something higher. We'll see.


cortney and neil said...

ha ha We have had many a family home evening on "Why we do not get tattoos." You just gotta love it.

Jen said...

Go Hals! Dream big girl!!

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

Don't forget she's going to be a druggy too! ;0) Don't you remember Devin saying that. She loved playing with your pill bottles. :) Just another thought to be warned of.

Emily Empey said...

haha go Hals!!!

Shawna said...

haha so funny--I'm sure she will be talented whatever she does:)