December 19, 2009

Art Time

I know that I have been posting a lot about Hallie lately, but she is so funny right now, I can't help it. Yesterday, I was wrapping the last of our Christmas gifts and I had a short little piece of wrapping paper left over. Hallie had gone into the other room and came back with the bag of markers, so I figured, why not let her color on the extra paper? Fun, right? She is barely getting the idea that pens and pencils and the like make marks, so she has kind of liked drawing or coloring here and there. However, yesterday, she had a different idea in mind: It's a good thing I stripped her naked before the art project! She refused to even consider coloring on the paper, but instead thought that her nice big, protruding belly made a much better canvas.
No harm done. Oh except that the marks didn't quite all come off in the bathtub. Oh well, though, its worth it for her little fun time!


Jaimie said...

I love all the posts about Hallie, she is so cute how could you not post about here! She is so smart as well I have noticed from your posts:)

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Is it appropriate for me to say that I love her little boobies on the internet? Delete this comment if not. :) But seriously, don't delete it.

Carlie said...

That's so cute. Haha I can't stop laughing at her belly!

mom said...

I seem to remember Hallie's mother taking a black crayon and coloring all over the freshly painted basement, every wall she could find. I wonder where Hallie gets it from? I thought it was way cute.

Jen said...

Oh so cute!! I love it! Can't wait to see you guys soon...