December 15, 2009

In Which Devin Foresees the Future

This past Sunday...
Devin: I have something to tell you.
Kim: What? (anticipating a very serious something coming up)
Devin: (in quite a solemn tone) Hallie is going to be addicted to drugs when she is older.
Kim: WHAT? (Mega alarms going off in my head... Who wants to hear this about their daughter?!)
At this point, I am thinking Devin has gone crazy and is going to insist that since we just got out of church, he had a vision while there that let him know this trial we must endure in our future.

Luckily, its not that. Devin then proceeded to tell me that during Elders Quorum, Hallie kept digging through her diaper bag over and over to find a bottle of medicine that was in there and then shrieking "Ahhhhhh Ahhhhhh Ahhhhhhhh!!!!" while shoving it in Dev's face indicating that she wanted some. Poor Dev had to keep burying the medicine and then enduring the routine again as she kept diving in right after it. I am sure he got a few worried looks from the other men. Poor guy.

What can we say? Hallie definitely is a medicine junkie. She has never found a medication that she did not love. What 1 year old skips the crackers, cereal, milk, and raisins found in her diaper bag to go for the bottle of medication buried at the bottom? Hals, thats who.
Who makes Medicine Time the most serious and important part of the day? Hals.
Who can find the cough drops in mom's purse AND have it in her mouth before her parents can even blink? Miss Hallie.
Who fake coughs and then grunts toward the bottle of Tylenol sitting on the counter? You guessed it!
I find this to be extremely odd and kind of concerning because neither Devin nor I are drug takers. Really, we rarely take medication at all and when we do it is because we are practically dying. Hals hasn't even been on that many medications in her lifetime and I don't give her Tylenol very often either. We went through teething mostly without it. So, where does she get this love of all things drug? Even at her 2 month shots, I remember the nurse telling us that one of the oral vaccines is spit out almost 100% of the time by the babies. Well, not Hals. She sucked it down and wanted more.
(Not to worry, I didn't give her drugs just for the sake of the pictures, we are all sicky around here and she is on an antibiotic)
I guess as long as Devin's original statement does not come true, I shouldn't worry too much, right?


Emily Empey said...

That is HILARIOUS! haha! What a cutie! Mary loves her medicine as well! hahaha So what are you all sick with? I hope you all get feeling better!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Ha ha ha ha!!! Oh I love little Hals. That is just to funny!!! I can't wait to see you and meet her FINALLY in this next week!! Let's plan something for Saturday the 26th? Does that work for you??? What would you like do to? I'm so excited to see you!!! It's been way too long!

cortney and neil said...

ha ha Avery does the same thing.This morning she yelled at me from the toilet "Mom I have Diarrhea I need some of the green medicine." (Wich is ammodium ad) I am sure they will have a huge dc addiction as well.

Jen said...

She should definitely be a pharmacist when she grows up!!

Shurtliff Family said...

That's the fuuniest story I've ever heard!

Sariah said...

That is so funny! It could be worse, it could be almost impossible to give her the meds she needs -- that's when it gets tricky!

nataley said...


Jaimie said...

That is so funny!! My kids HATE medicine, Hallie is a woman that knows what she wants! I hope you guys get well soon!