November 11, 2008

Per the Grandma's Request

Here are some more pictures of Hallie cause Grandma (that is super weird to call my mom Grandma) wants to see. I can't believe how much she has changed already and its only been a week. We went to the doctor yesterday and her weight is 7 lbs 4 oz (down 4 oz from birth, but that is normal as she left the hospital at 6 lbs 14 oz...she is putting it back on) and her height is now 20 inches. Yikes, she grew an inch in one week. At this rate, she will be a giant before we know it!
I know this picture is blurry, but look at that facial expression. Believe me, she has some funny ones.
Hallie loves bathtime. Check out that face...oh and especially the cheeks! I know this picture is horrible, but I think its so funny. She is relaxed as can be and those cheeks are just hanging out in all their glory.
I promise I will post something soon other than the baby...oh except that's all my life consists of now! I change diapers, I feed her, we sleep, we do household chores. That about sums it up! We are happy as can be though and loving life with Hallie. We especially are appreciative of everyone's support of us and all the help we have received with meals, visitors, etc.


Beth and Jason said...

Kimberly congrats on the new baby!! She is so cute!!! I love all of her cute clothes. You are going to make a wonderful mother!!

hayleemj said...

haha okay those cheeks are chubby!! That pic. cracks me up... don't worry though I was a chubby cheeked baby too! :) (not that there is anything to worry about... she is so dang beautiful) Jackson and her will make a great couple! :)
And I totally don't care if you post pics of the baby. Babys are so fun. (Maybe I'm just saying that because that is basically all my blog consists of... my baby)
THat is great that she likes bathtime... jackson HATED it for the first week or two.

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

Oh man, those cheeks are getting huge!! I love it!! so cute! I can't wait to meet her. And you are getting amazing at your blog headers!! so cute!!

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Oh my gosh. I laughed out loud on some of those pictures. She is ridiculously cute! By the way... super adorable new blog background! I love it!

Emily Empey said...

hahaha LOVE THOSE CHEEKS!!! she is soooo adorable KIM!!! i love the funny facial expression too! Mary had some HILARIOUS ones! and she LOVED bath time as well! AND keep up the pictures!! i love it! don't be ashamed to show off that sweet baby!

Paige said...

Oh man, that one picture is hilarious!! She is too cute and too funny! Babies with chubby cheeks are the cutest.

Jen said...

I can't wait to pinch those cheeks of hers! And when I'm there, you can just count on me being a baby hog. By the way, the blog background is way cute. Maybe you can help me redo mine when I come to visit in a few days!!!!

Anonymous said...

AH! Cute pictures!! It sounds like you guys are doing great. I'm so happy for ya! But yeah, adventures at VP, I'll have to email you! Or update you when you come in to show off Hallie! :)