November 24, 2008

Lots to be Thankful For

Well since it is Thanksgiving week, I thought it would be appropriate to post on some of the many things that I am grateful for. I have so much and I continue to be blessed, so instead of just having this be a holiday where I stuff my face (which I will still do, don't you worry) I think I will take some time to reflect on what I have. Feel free to do the same! :)

I am grateful for:
*The fact that Devin and I were brought together and that we love each other
*My beautiful baby
*extra storage space in our house
*my extended family on both sides. I have AMAZING family!
*A sister who listens to me whenever I need her to
*My health, Devin's health, Hallie's health
*The gospel in my life
*The blessings of tithing
*Modern conveniences: Electricity, Washers and Dryers (though we don't have one...), toilets, etc.
*An education
*My job...I LOVE IT
*The ability to have children
*In-laws who are great and are blessing the family through their service as missionaries
*Lasting friendships
*The genorosity of others
*People who teach me by example
*Parents who raised me, even though I was a bit of a devil as a youngster
*the hometown where I was raised
*A temple marriage
*A temple so nearby
*Family and friends who are just a phonecall away when I need them (or even when I don't)
*The ability to have FUN!
*Good food... (that equals Thanksgiving dinner to me, my most FAVORITE meal!)
*Examples of people who have passed away
*Learning from hardships
*Candy, Cakes, Cookies, Sweets in general (okay, I am a sugar addict!)
*Good books
*The ability to travel and see the world
*The kids in Ecuador who I still love so much, think about daily, and pray for daily
*Eternal families
*Temple work/Geneology
*Family together time (even if it can get rough!)
*Neil Diamond (especially those leather pants!)
*Diet Coke
*baseball (love it)
*Running cars (oh yeah, only one of ours runs right now, but I am still grateful for it)
*Those willing to babysit for me
*Baked goods (oh did I already mention that?)
*Mental health
*Family Reunions
*Skittles, gummies, even chocolate lately
*Reader's Digests (I love those too...DI 25 cents apiece!)
*Good roommates during my college experience
*The things I learned from my internship/time at Vantage Point
*Knowledge of the Plan of Salvation
*the color yellow
*coloring books and crayons
*Technology, computers, cell phones, blogs, etc.
*fun games
*a good night's sleep (especially lately)

Ok, I am pretty sure I could go on forever. Once you start, you can't stop! But I am pretty sure no one is reading this anymore, so I will stop! But I am grateful for all of YOU too for being examples in my life and for the influence you have had on me, even if you think you have not. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL!!!


Jalayne said...

Kim, I'm with you on the Diet Coke thing. I really enjoy Diet Coke a lot! I think that Dr. Pepper is the actual nectar of the gods, but Diet Coke comes in a close second.

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

I too am thankful for having great roommates during college (well my one year of college) haha. You and Camille were such great examples to me and I know that it was destined that we roomed together!! I don't think I would have made it thru 3 semesters without you! I love ya Kimmie!! I hope to be seeing you this week in Idaho!!! You going to be there? If so, what days?

meagantang said...

kim, Your baby hallie is adorable! Congrats! I can't wait to meet her! I am so glad you had a girl! Then she will be a kinda close in age friend for Isabella! Love the name you chose too! See ya soon.

Jen said...

Great list of things you are thankful for Kimbo! What a good reminder of the reason for Thanksgiving....too often I just think of it as a time to have really good food. You should post some more pictures of my Hallie girl. Can't wait to see you soon!

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

You inspired me to start my gratitute week. I love this holiday because it totally makes me more aware of all the amazing things and people around me. Love it. I am glad you are such a good poster (not the sign..just the blogging type). I love to check your blog!!

Linda, Brad and they're driving us mad said...

Kim Kimmie,

What a blog! I must say it made me laugh a little. Why didn't you say you were thankful for huge bricks of cheese. I do recall you love them. Seriously, great post. We take a lot of things forgranted. I will see you soon. I can't wait to see Hallie.