October 29, 2008
Very Important Announcement
I can now cross an item off my list of things I wish for...I am now the proud owner of a NEW COLORING BOOK!!! Thanks to my friend Paige, who I work with at LDS...I came to work today and there in my nifty little box was a Shrek coloring book! How amazing is that? Also, if you want to be inspired, I hope she doesn't mind if I link you to her blog. There is a video that she posted there that was on Oprah the other day and it is seriously something everyone should see. Click here if you want to see it.
October 28, 2008
Crazy 8's
Well my cousin Shawna tagged me and since I have had major bloggers block (nothing, absolutely nothing to blog about), I thought this would be fun.
8 fav. TV shows:
1. Jon and Kate plus 8
2. What Not to Wear
3. The Amazing Race
4. Biggest Loser (though I never get to watch this)
5. uhhh...baseball?
6. Murder shows (you know, like 48 hours mystery, Snapped, etc...I know its a little weird, but I really do like them- that's probably not normal)
7. Dirty Jobs on Discovery
8. Cash Cab also on Discovery
8 places I love to eat:
1. Cafe Rio has to be #1
2. Zupas
3. Kneaders
4. Chili's
5. Mexican...Puerta Vallerta in IF
6. Sandwich places, Subway, Sensous Sandwich, etc.
7. Olive Garden
8. Wingers
8 things I did today:
1. Spent the morning at LDSFS working and dealing with many things happening all at once (mostly good things)
2. Ate cottage cheese for lunch
3. went to the doctor where I got a flu shot and some nice medicine for heartburn
4. put gas in the car
5. talked on the phone alot to one of my adoptive couples and a caseworker in Centerville as we are trying to facilitate an adoption-yay
6. Went visiting teaching and chatted with the girls for too long
7. Went back to LDSFS for a Halloween party with our birth moms where I ate pizza and decorated cookies and watched "Thriller"-doesn't get better than that!
8. Went to the temple with Devin to do sealings. The sealer informed us that we might have to make a stop at the hospital on the way home. Apparently he thinks I am going to pop soon.
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. A new baby!
2. Neil Diamond concert!
3. Christmas!
4. Dressing my baby in cute clothes that have been sitting in the closet for months
5. My sister's baby in February
6. Seeing long lost friends over holidays...whoever makes it home!
7. fitting into my old clothes
8. getting rid of heartburn forever! (I wish!)
8 Things I love about FALL:
1. hot chocolate
2. crunchy leaves
3. Fall decorations...though of course not my own since I don't have any
4. My birthday, Devin's birthday, and soon to be Hallie's birthday will all be in the fall
5. Turkey dinners
6. Seeing family around holidays
7. scarves
8. pretty colors everywhere
8 Things I WISH for:
1. World Peace
2. the carpet in my kitchen to be removed
3. Devin's graduation to come as soon as possible
4. happiness for all my family members and friends
5. to be more domesticated
6. more ability to love and serve others
7. a new coloring book
8. to eat all the cookies and candy I want without seeing the consequences
8 people that I tag
the first 8 people to read this blog. Yep. Thats you!
And since posts are boring without pictures, here is a picture of last year's Halloween. I am sure I posted it before, but its always good to reminisce. Can you tell I have a problem with ratting my hair too often? This is my good friend Meg Meg and me as dead people last year as we were working together at LA Weightloss (RIP LA). Devin and I went to a party that night and I believe there is a picture of us on my sidebar with him dressed up as a pioneer woman. Good times.
8 fav. TV shows:
1. Jon and Kate plus 8
2. What Not to Wear
3. The Amazing Race
4. Biggest Loser (though I never get to watch this)
5. uhhh...baseball?
6. Murder shows (you know, like 48 hours mystery, Snapped, etc...I know its a little weird, but I really do like them- that's probably not normal)
7. Dirty Jobs on Discovery
8. Cash Cab also on Discovery
8 places I love to eat:
1. Cafe Rio has to be #1
2. Zupas
3. Kneaders
4. Chili's
5. Mexican...Puerta Vallerta in IF
6. Sandwich places, Subway, Sensous Sandwich, etc.
7. Olive Garden
8. Wingers
8 things I did today:
1. Spent the morning at LDSFS working and dealing with many things happening all at once (mostly good things)
2. Ate cottage cheese for lunch
3. went to the doctor where I got a flu shot and some nice medicine for heartburn
4. put gas in the car
5. talked on the phone alot to one of my adoptive couples and a caseworker in Centerville as we are trying to facilitate an adoption-yay
6. Went visiting teaching and chatted with the girls for too long
7. Went back to LDSFS for a Halloween party with our birth moms where I ate pizza and decorated cookies and watched "Thriller"-doesn't get better than that!
8. Went to the temple with Devin to do sealings. The sealer informed us that we might have to make a stop at the hospital on the way home. Apparently he thinks I am going to pop soon.
8 things I am looking forward to:
1. A new baby!
2. Neil Diamond concert!
3. Christmas!
4. Dressing my baby in cute clothes that have been sitting in the closet for months
5. My sister's baby in February
6. Seeing long lost friends over holidays...whoever makes it home!
7. fitting into my old clothes
8. getting rid of heartburn forever! (I wish!)
8 Things I love about FALL:
1. hot chocolate
2. crunchy leaves
3. Fall decorations...though of course not my own since I don't have any
4. My birthday, Devin's birthday, and soon to be Hallie's birthday will all be in the fall
5. Turkey dinners
6. Seeing family around holidays
7. scarves
8. pretty colors everywhere
8 Things I WISH for:
1. World Peace
2. the carpet in my kitchen to be removed
3. Devin's graduation to come as soon as possible
4. happiness for all my family members and friends
5. to be more domesticated
6. more ability to love and serve others
7. a new coloring book
8. to eat all the cookies and candy I want without seeing the consequences
8 people that I tag
the first 8 people to read this blog. Yep. Thats you!

October 21, 2008
This weekend, we had a girl's night out with the fam. Che' had heard about Witchapalooza, an event at Gardner Village, so we thought we would attend. We had a FABULOUS time! I am still laughing about how hilarious we looked and how crazy we were. We all met in South Jordan during the afternoon on Saturday to start getting ready. Everyone drove down from Idaho except Che' and I coming from Provo and Linda from Logan.
My Uncle Lynn met us at the mall while we got ready despite the fact that he was not invited to the actual event. He was upset that he has never been featured on the blog, so here's to you Lynn. (On second thought, I am pretty sure he has been featured on the blog before, but that man can never get enough attention...). Actually, I am lucky to have such good family support nearby, although there are not that many family members here. I do have Che' and Lynn is in Orem and he is always right there when we need something.
Phase 1 of getting ready: Makeup. Che and Carlie were kind enough to decorate us all up as Witchey's, though some us probably didn't need it...ha ha just kidding! This is the one and only picture I have of Linda because she is so picture evasive.
Phase 2: Any good witch has a real nice ratted hairdo. Nice face Kim.
Phase 3: Now we are ready! This is my only sister, Jennifer, and me. I think we are looking especially alike in this picture.
My ABSOLUTE favorite picture. This is my aunt Mari Ann. YIKES!!!!! If I didn't know any better, I might be terrified of her.
My mom and her sisters (minus Linda of course...see Linda you should just agree to be in pictures so you don't get ridiculed on the blog) and her mom. Mari Ann, Lisa (my mom), Grandma, and Sue.
Here we are at the event. The dinner was delicious and we were the life of the party. I am not even lying.
Me, Jen, and my mom getting ready for the great performance while we enjoyed the delicious meal.
When I say life of the party, I mean it. Here we are up and doing the YMCA with the little witch in the background. We were right up front next to the stage, so I am sure they were loving our enthusiasm.
Che' and Carlie showing us how its done! Mari Ann apparently thinks that's funny.
Our new witch friend, Esmerelda with Cortney, Che, Carlie, and me. Carlie and Esmerelda are on the same wave length, check out those matching faces! (Is this somewhat reminiscent of Nauvoo and Eli for anyone?!)
Speaking of same wavelength, Che' and I can never get enough self-portraits. I wonder how many we have over the years? I love her...we have always been very close and now it is convenient just having her right down the road from me. If you wonder how many times we have ratted our hair as such over the years, well, the answer to that is also too many to count. ha ha! It's just that the ratted hair do goes with anything we want to be...witches, bag ladies, 13 year olds walking around the mall with Linda to embarrass her...yeah...
My sister and I with our pregnant bellies. Yeah, I am huge compared to her. She is due Feb 26th and just found out that she is having a girl too! I can't be more thrilled for her and Chris, particularly because I have a girl cousin on both sides that is close to my age that I have always been very close to. There is just something that is binding with those cousin ties. I am sure that Hallie and Bertha/Ruby/Gertrude (whichever she chooses) will be great friends.
That night, those of us who weren't party poopers stayed in the Little America in Salt Lake. That has also been a tradition over the years. When we were little (okay, maybe not even so little), we would have races on the elevators and stairs to see who could get to a certain floor first. I am sure the people there still remember us. When they see us coming, they probably run and hide behind the desk. Just kidding...we weren't that bad. We stayed up late that night talking till 2 in the am. Boy is that hard on my pregnant body, particularly when I usually get up around 4 anyway. Our room was sweltering and I could not get back to sleep! AHHHH...Oh well, it was all worth it!!

Anyway, sorry for the novel of a post, but I am just long winded and have to throw my details in there. We had a great weekend and better make this a tradition yearly! Now, I can't wait till the Neil concert on Dec 19th! If you don't know about my family and our Neil Diamond obsession, well that's another post! (or if you feel like digging into the archives of my blog, I did write a little something about Neil back in 2005! Click here to read it.)
October 14, 2008
Life's Little Changes

I also have to say that I just LOVE the girls that I was in the presidency with, I could not have asked for a better bunch. Though we have spent countless hours together, I of course have no photo documentation to prove it. But, Kassie, Taylor, and Elise are incredible people who have taught me a lot and have become some of my greatest friends. We have had so many great and spiritual experiences as well as bonding moments and hilarious times. Let me just relate one short story for you. As mentioned, we spent a lot of time visiting new sisters as they moved into the ward. Well, on day we went to visit a girl who was newly married at her house. As we walked in, she pointed into the kitchen and introduced us to her brother and sister who were there having dinner with them before we proceeded to sit on the couch and visit with her. Partway through, a man came in and she moved out of her chair and let him sit down before sitting on his lap. Well, Taylor and I knew that he was her husband, but it became very apparent that Kassie hadn't quite caught on to that when she asked the girl, "So, what does your husband do? What is he studying in school?" as if he was not present at all. There was a huge awkward silence while the sister decided whether she should answer for him or let him answer for himself. Taylor and I were frantically trying to think of things to say to cover for Kassie, but neither of us could come up with anything. Finally, Kassie just got this look on her face like she was going to die of embarrassment as she had clued in that he WAS her husband. We quickly left the appointment, only to roll of laughter just outside their door. Taylor and I were just as confused because though it was clear Kassie didn't think it was her husband, we had no idea who else it would be! Kassie clarified that she had thought that when we entered the house, he was the one the girl had introduced as her brother! She said, "I thought it was so weird that she was sitting on her brother's lap, but I didn't want to say anything, because, well, maybe their family is just like that!" We laughed forever about that one. In fact, the husband got up to bear his testimony on Sunday and I couldn't control my laughter again. I am sure I will always think of that story when I see them. How sad.
Anyway, that is just one of our fun stories. I am grateful that I have had this experience and that the Lord knew that this was a calling that I needed at this time. I don't think I made that big of a difference in the ward or the lives of the sisters in the ward, but I know the calling made a big difference for me and specifically for things that I needed. I hope that in the future, I can love my callings just as much as I have loved this one!
October 11, 2008
Dev and I Over the Years
Ok as you can see, I had WAY too much fun with this website. It is hilarious. If you have a free moment (or many, like me) feel free to explore what you might have looked like through the awesome ages. As you can see, Devin and I have changed radically with the styles. Yeah, we try to keep up with the lastest, even if it means looking black (see below).
October 10, 2008
A Note of Gratitude
Lately I have been thinking about just how many blessings I have. Little things (or big things) that I take for granted are things that so many people struggle with. In particular, as my pregnancy nears the end, I have been so overwhelmed at times with how blessed Devin and I are that we can conceive and bear children. Working at LDS Family Services has definitely given me a different perspective that I have never considered before when it comes to something I assumed to be a given: being a mother. While many of my adoptive couples struggle with infertility and have for years, I am so amazed at their strength. I am so grateful that they are so open with me and able to share those feelings, especially as it must be that much harder as they sit there and look at me in all my pregnant glory. I have heard women cry as they tell me that they feel "broken" because they are unable to bear children, or share their intense pain over knowing that Heavenly Father's plan for each of us involves families and how they are unable to have the family they dream of. Even worse, they are often under scrutiny from family, ward members, and others around them, who either silently or vocally say things like "Why aren't you having any children yet?"
Although none of my couples read my blog (that I know of), I am so impressed with their strength and what they go through, I just had to say something. It makes me more appreciative of my blessings and hopefully all you mothers out there take some time to think about how blessed you are too. I have learned so much from the trials that my couples have gone through and I am so thankful that they are willing to share such a private, raw, part of themselves with me. I have definitely become a better person while working with these great people. Oh, and if any of you know of anyone who wants to place their baby for adoption, I know some AMAZING people!!!
Quick note for those that care: I went to the doctor today and everything seems to be going great with the baby. I am dilating and effacing so my doctor said he is pretty sure she will not come late. (sorry if that is too much information). YAY...that is good news! Though, I would still prefer her to wait until at least Nov 1st. I'm still having nightmares that she is a boy, though...and holy cow does that heartburn kill.
Although none of my couples read my blog (that I know of), I am so impressed with their strength and what they go through, I just had to say something. It makes me more appreciative of my blessings and hopefully all you mothers out there take some time to think about how blessed you are too. I have learned so much from the trials that my couples have gone through and I am so thankful that they are willing to share such a private, raw, part of themselves with me. I have definitely become a better person while working with these great people. Oh, and if any of you know of anyone who wants to place their baby for adoption, I know some AMAZING people!!!
Quick note for those that care: I went to the doctor today and everything seems to be going great with the baby. I am dilating and effacing so my doctor said he is pretty sure she will not come late. (sorry if that is too much information). YAY...that is good news! Though, I would still prefer her to wait until at least Nov 1st. I'm still having nightmares that she is a boy, though...and holy cow does that heartburn kill.
October 5, 2008
Conference Weekend and Devin's Birthday!
Well, we had such a great time this weekend. We left Friday night and stopped on our way at Cafe Rio (one of my favorite places) for dinner. We then made it to Murray in time for our play at the Desert Star Theatre. Little did we know, it is actually a dinner theater, so we didn't need to eat dinner! Oh well...next time we will know! We did enjoy the free popcorn though. We saw a parody (that is all they do there) called "Scary Poppins". Oh my it was funny. We really enjoyed ourselves. They even sang to Devin because it was his birthday! He loved that...ha ha ha.
Here we are at the theater, though you can't tell.

We then stayed the night at the Red Lion Hotel in downtown Salt Lake. We were on the 9th floor so we had a great view of the city. That is what we are trying to show in this picture, but of course you can't tell.
That's better. I think I will be the next Vanna White...what do you think? Nice pregnant belly too.
Saturday was Devin's birthday!! YAY!!! We stayed in our room to watch the first session of conference. As we were getting ready, we realized that I had brought the above two shoes for Devin to wear with his suit! Ha! I thought it was hilarious, but Devin didn't really. So he threw on his sneakers with his suit and we headed to the Gateway in the pouring rain. I was completely clueless as to what the weather was going to be, so I was wearing short sleeves, no jacket, open toed shoes, etc. Lovely. We purchased Devin a new pair of church shoes and me some close toed shoes. By this time, we were both looking like drowned rats, so we decided that we really needed an umbrella. We opted out of the $20 ones at the Gateway and instead drove to Wal-Mart where we got a handy umbrella for just $4. We then took trax to Temple Square where we were going to wait in line for Standby tickets to the afternoon session, but decided we were too cold and watched it in the Legacy Theater in the Joseph Smith Building instead. That was quite nice! Huge screen...believe me, we got a really nice look at the organist's big fat diamond ring as they kept zooming in on it for some reason. I thought the children's choir was so cute!
After that session, we met up with my mom and Dave, who were privledged to go to both the morning and afternoon sessions (it helps when you have connections, eh, mom?) Devin was the lucky recipient of a ticket to go to Priesthood with Dave as of course my mom was not going to go with him. Dave's brother was sustained to the Presidency of the Quorom of the 70 yesterday, Elder Jay E. Jensen, and therefore, Dave and Devin had marvelous seats on the floor to hear him speak in the Priesthood Session. I can't say I wasn't a little jealous. Oh well. My mom and I spent the time changing our clothes (as I had not brought any warm clothes, I hung out around town in Devin's long sleeved shirt. I am sure I was quite the sight!). We went to a bakery called Gormandies and ate cookies, hot chocolate, and eclairs. Now that's the life.
Finally, after the Priesthood session, we went to dinner in Draper at Goodwood for Dev's birthday celebration. We brought our own cake and candles and lit them right up in the restaurant. My mom thought it was so white trash, but I didn't care (and I have no idea when she became white trash conscious...). At one point, my mom announced that she and Dave had a song for us. Of course, I thought they were going to sing "Happy Birthday" or something, but no, they busted out some 70's folk song about a guy who wants to know why his girlfriend is leaving him after he keeps telling her she is fat. Where they get these things, I have no idea. But, it was hilarious. Notice also if you can the card my mom got Devin. A little old man in a speedo. Very becoming. Overall, I think Dev enjoyed the birthday and I know I had a great getaway with him! Who knows how often we will be able to do things like that after we have kids! So better enjoy it now, huh!?

We then stayed the night at the Red Lion Hotel in downtown Salt Lake. We were on the 9th floor so we had a great view of the city. That is what we are trying to show in this picture, but of course you can't tell.

After that session, we met up with my mom and Dave, who were privledged to go to both the morning and afternoon sessions (it helps when you have connections, eh, mom?) Devin was the lucky recipient of a ticket to go to Priesthood with Dave as of course my mom was not going to go with him. Dave's brother was sustained to the Presidency of the Quorom of the 70 yesterday, Elder Jay E. Jensen, and therefore, Dave and Devin had marvelous seats on the floor to hear him speak in the Priesthood Session. I can't say I wasn't a little jealous. Oh well. My mom and I spent the time changing our clothes (as I had not brought any warm clothes, I hung out around town in Devin's long sleeved shirt. I am sure I was quite the sight!). We went to a bakery called Gormandies and ate cookies, hot chocolate, and eclairs. Now that's the life.
October 1, 2008
Update on MF
I just have to show you how beautiful this little girl is getting. This is my baby, MF, that changed my life in Ecuador. I posted the whole story about a year ago, but maybe some of you were not reading my blog at that point, so if you would like to, you can go here to read about my journey with her. She is the most beautiful, loving little girl. I can't believe how much she has grown. She will be four in January and it sounds like she has made remarkable progress. Here is the latest email from Stacey, the director of the home where she lives, as well:
MF is doing wonderfully. She is a curious little girl who is constantly trying to discover more of the environment around her. Yesterday we went to the neuro-pediatrician for a check-up. He was thrilled at how far she has come in spite of her severe special needs. She has truly overcome many of her disabilities and it’s encouraging to see her progress. She likes to take steps with the help of an adult holding her hands. She has at least ten words in her vocabulary and she is very aware of her surroundings. She also likes to keep to her schedule. Yesterday her appointment got us out at about 1:00 p.m. She is used to having her lunch at 12:30 sharp and she intended to let us know that we had all made her late for her meal! She repeatedly asked for “sopa” (soup) “pan” (bread) and “agua” (water).
MF is doing wonderfully. She is a curious little girl who is constantly trying to discover more of the environment around her. Yesterday we went to the neuro-pediatrician for a check-up. He was thrilled at how far she has come in spite of her severe special needs. She has truly overcome many of her disabilities and it’s encouraging to see her progress. She likes to take steps with the help of an adult holding her hands. She has at least ten words in her vocabulary and she is very aware of her surroundings. She also likes to keep to her schedule. Yesterday her appointment got us out at about 1:00 p.m. She is used to having her lunch at 12:30 sharp and she intended to let us know that we had all made her late for her meal! She repeatedly asked for “sopa” (soup) “pan” (bread) and “agua” (water).
So So Spoiled
Hallie and I are officially SO spoiled! Not only did we have one baby shower, but we had four. I know, I know. We are so blessed and grateful for everyone's love and support and of course we love all the cute things we got!!! I don't have pictures of the 3rd and 4th showers as they were in Idaho and my sister has them all on her camera, so maybe I will post some later. But, I just want everyone to know how grateful I am for your support and for all that you do. Here are some pictures of the 2nd shower, which was thrown by my sister-in-laws Kirston and Mesha.
My friends Jaime and Wendy! Wendy and I went to Ecuador together, which means we will have lifelong bonds. Jaime also went to Ecuador, but after us, so she completely understands how we feel about the situation!
This picture is dark, but oh well. These are some of my favorite Vantage Point co-workers...Amy and Sarah. I just love them...we have had many a hilarious time at VP and I will sure miss that place when I quit here in a month or so.
Kassie and Taylor, friends from my ward who serve in the RS presidency with me. I have gotten to be good friends with both of them as well and really enjoy spending time with them. Kassie is also having a baby-a boy-and is due two weeks before me!
Of course I have lots of pictures of me opening presents, but I will just post this one...I love this quilt! Devin's mom made it for us, along with a ton of other blankets and quilts. It is so pretty and so soft!
My sister-in-laws that were able to make it (minus Jenny, she left early to make it to the BYU game!) This is Kirston (having a baby boy on October 21!), me, Marcene, Alisa, and Mesha. Can you tell that any of them are Devin's siblings? Well all but Marcene are his sisters...Marcene is married to his brother Shane. They are all so fun and I love being a part of Devin's family. They are great.
I just have to show you how spoiled we are. I feel so loved. This is the loot from the shower at Mesha's house.
Though I don't have pictures of the showers in Idaho, like I mentioned, I do have a picture of all the stuff. This is the combined total from the two showers in Idaho. This baby is going to have more stuff than anyone I know!! Someone should have warned me not to do so much shopping before baby showers! But, we love it all and are grateful for it.
Just for good measure, I will show you what the cute nursery looks like. My mom gave me the bedding for my birthday and I love it! It is so cute.
I got a little crafty and painted the letters for above her crib, but I decided it needs something more...like maybe some little painted lady bugs to match the bedding? I will have to look into that. Devin is happy because it kept me occupied for a while and it was a super cheap project. Me, crafty? I know...unheard of.
The look from the doorway into the room. So much pink!!! I think we are now pretty much ready to go! Now we will just wait and see when she decides to show up. I just have to say thanks again to everyone, we appreciate all that we have been given and totally realize how blessed we are to have so much support from family and friends. This baby is already so loved and we can't wait to officially meet her! (Though I have had multiple nightmares lately that she was a boy...and that I was in a coma for a month after her birth and woke up to a baby son...ahhhh...!!!)

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