August 3, 2008

Horrifying, Really

As most of you know, I have spent the past few months working at LDS Family Services as an adoption caseworker. I feel like I am finally getting into the swing of things as there is a LOT to learn and very LITTLE training. Friday I had a packed afternoon planned as I had to do a home study first in Payson at 2 and then be back in Provo by 4 to do a "supervisory" for a family who has received a baby and is now waiting to finalize the adoption at the 6 month mark (that's the law).

The agency has a car that is up for use by whoever, you just simply sign up on the calendar for the day that you want to take the car and the times. Well, the car is a hybrid, which makes it a little different than most cars that I am used to driving. It looks like this:

Instead of using a key like a normal car, you just push a power button to start it up. As long as the keys are in the vicinity, it runs. I had no problems getting to Payson. I was with the family there for about 45 minutes and then I went to leave. The whole family was standing on the porch to see me off and the 1 year old decided that she wanted to play in the grass, so her dad took her out on the grass to play while I headed to the car. Little did I know, the car was going to decide not to start! It powered up alright, but it would only go into park and neutral, not reverse or drive. I started feeling frantic after a few minutes of trying over and over again. I kept thinking to myself, "I must be a real idiot. I got here okay, so how come I can't get the car to go now?" The dash was telling me that the emergency brake was on, even though it was not. I was feeling especially dumb since the family was probably wondering what in the heck I was still doing there...but luckily the little girl lost interest in being outside fairly quickly and then went back inside. I started to get more panicky thinking I was going to be there all afternoon and miss my 4 o'clock visit, which was really important because we were already behind with them. I finally called my supervisor who informed me that she was in SLC but would be down to get me as soon as possible!! (that would take at least an hour and a half!!). In the meantime, she said to call the office and see if anyone knew anything about the car. Well being a Friday afternoon, the place was pretty much cleared out, but I did get a hold of the director there, Nathan, who talked me through all sorts of things that I had already tried, to no avail. Finally, after I turned the radio off, the car decided to go!!! Why, I have no idea. So I was off to Provo.

Fast forward to a few hours later as I am leaving the 4 o'clock appointment. Yep, you guessed it...the same thing happened! This time, I was convinced that if I just turned off the radio and tried again, it would start, since that is what happened the last time. Well, no, no such luck this time. I was getting so frustrated and it was so hot outside I thought I was going to die! The car wouldn't even begin to start unless I had the door shut and it was over 100 degrees that day. I kept opening the door to cool off and then trying again, and again, and again. I tried to call back to the office and no one was there. So I called my supervisor again after about 20 minutes of trying. She said she was back at home in Orem and that she would be right down to pick me up. So I trudged back up the walkway to the house of the people and knocked on the door. I am sure they were so excited to see me standing there. I let them know of the situation and asked if it was okay if we just kept the car there for the weekend. They assured me that that was fine and then asked me to come in while I waited. I felt extremely awkward as it was obvious that they were getting ready to leave...they had the baby all strapped into the carseat, were packing the diaper bag, etc. I told them I could just wait outside but they insisted that I stay in there.

25 minutes of chit-chat later, my supervisor arrived to save me! I waved goodbye to the family, relieved to be getting out of their hair and making sure one more time that it was okay that we leave the car there. Well, I went to get into my supervisor's car and she says, "why don't we try the car just one more time?" Yeah, I thought, that's not going to make any difference! I just sat and played with it for almost a half hour. It won't start! But, I tried it anyway. And IT STARTED! So then I was completely embarrassed at making her drive all the way down there to get me and plus the family is now going to wonder if I am just clueless as the car isn't sitting there for the rest of the weekend.

Moral of the story....well there isn't one....but all I have to say is that I will NOT be driving that car for quite some time! It definitely has the upper hand on me. Good job car.


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Landon's Mom has that same car and it is very confusing! It's like a little remote control car, although the whole picture of this happening to you is a little funny, I must admit.

*star said...

I did something similar. Bryant and Kelly drove all the way across Salt Lake Valley to jump my car. I turned the key just for kicks before we jumped it, and it started. SO embarrassing! And this was after I'd tried for 10 minutes and then walked home from the grocery store because my cell phone was at my house.

Lauren said...

The same thing happened to me the first time I used the agency car. It wasn't the car- it was me. So maybe you were doing the same thing I was. When you push the "on" button, you have to be pressing on the brake as well. If you turn the car "on" without your foot on the brake, it will play the radio, flash it lights, but no actual ignition. Maybe that's not what was wrong for you, but its my best guess, because I too was calling Sandy from Payson after 1/2 of sitting in a client's driveway. And once I figured it out, it hasn't happened again. :) See you Wednesday!

emilie s. d. p. said...

You poor thing. That sounds so miserable! It's no good when a car gets the best of you.
You have some great co-workers though, at least that's nice!

Jen said...

That is a good story Kimbo! I do have to say that I would be a bit embarassed also. But I'm glad you ended up making it home all right!