I know this is a little late, but better late than never, right?
When I heard the news of President Hinckley's death, I had such mixed emotions. First, I felt really sad and almost immediately after, I was so happy for him that he was again with his dear wife. I wrote about it in a previous blog, but I read the book "Letters" by Sister Marjorie Pay Hinckley this past summer and it was so refeshing. I loved getting a glimpse into the everyday life of the prophet and his wife and to see how human they were. The love that they shared for each other is something that I have always admired and something I want to emmulate in my own marriage.
I remember vaguely when Presidents Benson and Hunter were prophets, but I was young enough that I don't remember that much about either of their presidencies. I will definitely remember President Hinckley's vibrant spirit and the way he lived his life. Although I never met him, here are a few of the things that I will remember about his life and legacy:
*President Hinckley never seemed upset, down, or angry. Every conference, every appearance, every interview, he was always so happy and friendly. He had such a way with the media and I admire his charisma. His example of love and kindness no matter the situation is something I think we can all improve on.
*I will always be grateful for his legacy of temples. I always took for granted growing up that we had a temple so close by. I didn't know what it meant for saints all over the world to have to travel to the temple. Now I understand more fully his desire to extend the reach of the temples to members worldwide. I read in the Church News today that President Hinckley had the vision for the smaller temples while he was traveling on a bus in Mexico and wondering what could be done to help strengthen the saints there. I love this story because it just illustrates the love that he had for all people as well. This picture is of Devin and I at the Palmyra Temple this summer from the family reunion, one of the small temples built under President Hinckley's presidency.

* I just love his personality and wit. Never did a conference go by that he didn't have everyone cracking up with his jokes. When we were listening to the news last Sunday after we had heard the news of President Hinckley's death, the news interviewers were talking to some people walking around Temple Square about what they remember most about the prophet and a story that came up repeatedly was that once during a conference, President Hinckley got up and started to pretend to lead the Mormon Tabernacle Choir with his cane! Though I didn't see this, I just had to laugh because that seems just like his personality!
*I love that President Hinckley was so forthright and knowledgable about what is going on in the world today. He never beat around the bush, but he came right out and said things how they were. That is just another testament of his divine role because I don't know too many 97 year olds who were as in touch with all the technology and problems in the world today. Never did we have to question his stance on anything, he was honest, yet loving in his conference talks.
*Finally, I love that President Hinckley had such a strong testimony of the gospel and the work he was engaged in. He was such a hard worker and acheived so much through his presidency. I hope that what I can remember from President Hinckley is that he loved the Lord, loved the members of the church, and lived the gospel through his service! What an amazing legacy he left and an amazing example for all of us to emmulate.
Kim, your tribute to President Hinckley was amazing. There were so many things to love about him, not to mention that he was so darn cute. I also love the book "letters". See ya!
awesome! Thanks for taking the time to write down your thoughts..I enjoyed reading them. There is so much to say about GBH! What a great guy..we are lucky that we were able to grow up during his presidency. I think we have all learned from him. I really need to read that book.
Thanks for posting that. It is incredible the amount of people GBH influenced, but what is really incredible is that he touched us all in so many different ways. I am so excited to get to know President Monson now and I know the Lord has plans for him as well. I hope you are doing well with school and work. I know you must be super busy and probably a little overwhelmed. Good luck with everything and call if you ever need a pick me up or a distraction from your studies!
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