October 3, 2005


Responsibility...what's that? I feel like crap today. In fact, I slept through all three of my classes this morning. I haven't felt this sick since moving to school at all and now I just want to lay in bed and have my mom come take care of me.

I'm not sure what's wrong with me, but I do know that my mind is not functioning right. Here are the thoughts that I can remember from this morning as proof. You know when you are in that state where you are kind of awake and kind of dreaming/sleeping? Well, while I was there, I had this thought that I was late for my junior high geography class. I was panicking because I knew that the teacher would ask me for an excuse signed by my parents for missing class and I was trying to come up with the right words to explain that I was a college student and no longer living with my parents. I somehow knew that it wasn't going to fly because afterall it was a junior high class. Ahhh...so weird.

Then, my next thought process/dream/whatever, was that I sold an $89 cheesecake to one of my favorite clients at work. (For those of you that don't know, I work at a weight loss place, so that makes the thought even more out of control). She bought the cheesecake, and then when I came out of my office, she was giving away the cheesecake and writing a sign to let other clients know how pushy and rude I had been.

Just barely I noticed that I had left my toothbrush in my mouth. I think its been there for like 20 minutes because my mouth is now feeling rather numb. I wish I could sit around and do nothing all day, but having already skipped class, I feel guilty. I have to go to work from 11:30-7:30. If this morning is any indication, I think I will need all the luck I can get.


Ronnie said...

You've been complaining because of people calling you "the freshmen," but then you clearly wish you were back in Junior High. I propose that everyone should stop calling yall "the freshman" and start calling yall "the middle schoolers."

Kim said...

thanks Ronnie. You are fab. I almost ran over your favorite person from our ward today on my way to work. Just to add to the great track record so far.

Ronnie said...

My favorite person from our ward...ummmm...John Briggs?

be said...

I think she means the dumpster.