It has just been one of those days that is full of surprises. Funny how little things can make you so happy. So first of all, I came home from class this morning to a new bathroom sink! We weren't even expecting a new sink, nor did we really need a new sink, but there was a brand spankin' new sink!! Who doesn't like surprises?? I love them! Then, I found out that my step-brother is coming to SLC this weekend and that he can bring my best friend Kylee for my birthday! YAY!! Next, I stopped in at work to pickup my paycheck on the way home from a meeting in Murray and it was bigger than expected! Gotta love that. Finally, I checked the mail and there was a happy birthday postcard waiting from Devin. I am impressed that he remembered my birthday at all, and the fact that he sent a postcard in TIME is especially impressive. What a fabulous day!
Here are some extra exclamation points for good measure. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tonight is our first flag football game. Wish us luck!
I think that anonymous person just said you had ADD. That's rude.
I thought it was rather coincidental as well. Did I spell that wrong Ronnie?
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