September 15, 2005

I'm so happy

It has just been one of those days that is full of surprises. Funny how little things can make you so happy. So first of all, I came home from class this morning to a new bathroom sink! We weren't even expecting a new sink, nor did we really need a new sink, but there was a brand spankin' new sink!! Who doesn't like surprises?? I love them! Then, I found out that my step-brother is coming to SLC this weekend and that he can bring my best friend Kylee for my birthday! YAY!! Next, I stopped in at work to pickup my paycheck on the way home from a meeting in Murray and it was bigger than expected! Gotta love that. Finally, I checked the mail and there was a happy birthday postcard waiting from Devin. I am impressed that he remembered my birthday at all, and the fact that he sent a postcard in TIME is especially impressive. What a fabulous day!
Here are some extra exclamation points for good measure. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tonight is our first flag football game. Wish us luck!


Ronnie said...

I think that anonymous person just said you had ADD. That's rude.

Kim said...

I thought it was rather coincidental as well. Did I spell that wrong Ronnie?