February 5, 2017

December Randoms

I have a TON of pictures from December-- naturally I guess based on the busyness of the month and season. So, here we go playing catch up again!! Here are some randoms from the month.

This needs to be rotated, but this is Jace's drawing of an airport and airplane. I just love this kid and his creativity and artistic skills. Because I totally lack them, I think I find everything he does to be that much more impressive. 

We had our first big snow just right before Christmas. Prior to that, it had been unusually warm! Now, the winter has been horrendous...go figure.

Flor had a successful visit to the dentist and she did not bite this one (as she did the last one), so she got this prize. She would not let me fix the mustache though, Silly girl.

Hallie had her first piano recital! They played for an assisted living center and the residents. She was really nervous, but she did a great job.
For part of our Christmas giving this year, we heard about a refugee family who was in need of some help for the holidays. We helped provide some presents for them, but the most touching thing to me was when we went to meet them. They lived in extremely humble circumstances. Their little boy was about the same age as Jace, and the two immediately hugged and became buddies though words were not exchanged due to the language barrier. As we were leaving, the little boy, who had three toy cars to play with, immediately offered one to Jace for him to keep. I was really touched to see this little boy give almost all he had, yet I sometimes find it hard to give of my abundance. I hope that little car is a reminder of this lesson for years to come. We live in a time of more, more, more and wanting to have the nicest and the best, yet there are some people who have very little and yet are happy and willing to give back.

I am very proud of the little business my co-workers and I have built. We meet every so often with our contractors and we were able to do a little pre-Christmas dinner with them this year to celebrate another great year. We have such an amazing crew and I am so proud to work with each of them. From L-R, Lauren, Koleen, myself, Sara, Amber F, Krystal, Amber L, and Teresa. 

Devin decided to start playing basketball again so I had to document the occasion :) 

Another one of Jace's drawings. I just can't remember what this one is!! 

I was having a rough day one day and my sweet husband had these flowers delivered to the house. They cheered me right up, especially the Happy Birthday Balloon that came with it, since you know, it wasn't my birthday. I called him to ask him about it and he did not order any such balloon. I guess the flower shop just took it upon themselves to help me celebrate by birthday really late (or really early)!

My BFF Camille was in town for a week or so and we were able to go to sushi one night and to a play at the Hale Center Theater. Just what I needed! It was awesome to spend time with her. 

Our first attempt at straightening Mishell's hair. Not bad if I do say so myself!

And again. She liked it!

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