January 8, 2017

Watch me Grow! Lizzie November (4 months)

Little Lizzie Bizzie continues to be the light of our lives. She is such a happy girl and so much fun. Her siblings love her and she makes us all laugh and smile a lot. The assurance I felt when I was pregnant with her that she would bring the family together has certainly been true. 

So, as per the usual, I have an overload of pictures and I have  a hard time cutting any of them out since I think she's so cute. But, don't even worry, I know that there are only 3 of your reading the blog anymore, so I don't even care. :)  Onward. 

This became Lizzie's favorite position for a time-- one hand on her head while she laid there. So funny.

Again, the favorite position

Aunt Alisa came and put vinyl in Lizzie's room for us! Thanks Aunt Alisa, we love it!

Eating rice ceral for the first time- she loved it, and everything she's tried since

 4 month pictures:

Here's what I wrote on Instagram for her 4 month post (Gosh, I am glad I have instagram where I am sort of keeping a "real time" record):

Sweet Cheeks is 4 months old! Man, time flies and in this case, I'm actually quite sad it does. At 4 months, Lizzie:
*wakes once a night still. Sleep training, here we come!
*talks all the time. Giggles are more rare, but so fun when she offers them up
*has big beautiful brown eyes (a first for our biological kids)
*eats 4 to 5 ounces and started some rice cereal this week, which she loves!
*rolls from front to back but not vice versa 

*wears 0 to 3 and 3 Month clothes (so weird to have a small baby!)
*is the happiest girl and smiles all the time 

*always has her tongue out. 

*favorite thing is to lay on the ground with one hand on her head and the other in her mouth
She's been such a great thing for our family. A healer and forging closer bonds between us all in a somewhat challenging year. Love her.

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