September 13, 2016

July Randoms: Part 1

July was a much more exciting month. I am going to have to do multiple posts on just the randoms. Aren't we exciting! Anyway, here's the first part:
Mishell got a perm, which actually helped relax her hair! Aunt Jenny was kind enough to do it and then braid it. She's awesome.

Good looking braids 

We hit up multiple splash pads, multiple times! Free fun--winning

The kids had summer daily chores and weekly chores. That plus going without technology made them feel like they were the most picked on children ever.

Jace actually liked it...for a while...then the novelty wore off. Ha. 

This is so Flor. One pant leg up, one down.

A day at the neighborhood park. It's a fun one. 

And then to Home Depot. Sometimes these two love each other (And sometimes their hair is done, and sometimes it is not. Judge away)

I think this is from father's day, which was actually in June...but here it is. so yeah. 

Jacer is just the sweetest boy sometimes. I was sleeping in one morning and he woke up, got Flor out of bed, bathed her, and got her dressed before I was awake. When I asked him about her hair, just jokingly, he said "I was going to do that next!" Love him. 

Roasting marshmallows with Jen and Steve's kids. The good old fashioned grill way :)

Just a random picture of my two boys. They're cute.

When you get a hundred years pregnant, you have your husband do your toenails, and he does, because he's a champ like that.

Splash pad with Jenny and Travis's kids. Always a fun time with cousins!

The best I can do on Mishell's hair myself. I aint no stylist and I have no tricks up my sleeve other than this and a little top bun. Hahahaha...poor girl. 
Round two coming....sometime...somehow...

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