September 25, 2016

July Randoms Part 2

Here's some more shmorgasboard pictures of random-buckets-o-fun from July
The first few weeks after Lizzie was born were kind of rough with Flor, to say the least. We saw a big spike in her behaviors and it was a daily crying fest (on my part) to feel like I was meeting her needs and meeting Lizzie's needs. Mishell really stepped it up during that time and was such a super help (she is anyway, but she just tends t sense when there is a need and fill it). One day, after she'd done all her regular chore, she and Jace cleaned out the absolutely disgusting van. She's such a good girl. 

I can't remember what this was a consequence for, but this was an additional chore for these three for something or other that they did (probably fighting). Anyway, they did a stellar job on the garage...or I should say that Mishell and Hallie did a stellar job on the garage, because well, I am not sure how much help Jace was with his shovel and helmet. 

For one of our "Thursday Adventure Days", we decided to go to the Hill Air Force Museum. How in the world have we lived this close to this amazing place for so long and never been?? It was really very cool and the kids loved it. Oh, and FREE was awesome too. We will definitely be going again sometime. Jace still talks about when we can take daddy back to see it.

While there, they had a little kids class where the kids got to make their won gliders and then throw them off the balcony as many times as they wanted. Pure fun, I tell ya.

Flor. She cracks herself up sometimes :)

My awesome husband got the nursery ready pretty much single handedly while I was off playing with the girls in St. George. Isn't it cute? the dots were on the wall from the people previous to us, so don't go thinking we are that cute and crafty, because we aren't. 

I think this was modeling new PJs that I got for clearance for $3 on the girls trip. You know I love a good deal...and Flor has to have zip up jammies on backwards so to find pairs that are not the warm fleece footies is a real win. 

This is the definition of random right here. No idea why I took this picture.

While my mom was here after Lizzie was born, she bought the kids a slip and slide. That was a solid purchase because it provided hours of entertainment after Lizzie was born and we weren't going out much.

This is Mishell's good friend Maddie from our previous ward. We went to see Maddie, her mom, and her sisters in the play Anne of Green Gables at the Farmington Community Center. It was a great time and the play was darling. Hallie and Mishell seemed to like it too.

My cousin Logan left for a mission to Colombus, Ohio, so we went to his farewell when Lizzie was just a few weeks old. He is gone now and is doing a fabulous job on his mission.

On another Thursday Adventure Day, we met up with Cortney and Che at Willard Bay to do some swimming. No one told us that the water was pretty nasty, but the kids had a great time and we all enjoyed sitting and chatting, so I will still call it a win. 

They even had pavilions for us to use..also a win with a small baby.

Because I mean, even though she wasn't going swimming, the occasion still called for her to wear her cute suit.

Lizzie girl sleeping in the shade. 

Flor was content to just chill in the water. The water was very warm, so that was a bonus. 

We spent a Saturday down in Provo and took some of the cousins to the splash pad. Always a good time with these cuties.

I think this was homemade donut day at our house. Why that called for documenting, I am not sure...but there you go!

4th of July 2016

I was super excited for the 4th of July this year leading up to it. I had outfits all picked out for the kids to look festive, we had plans, and it was going to be a GOOD TIME. Well, that is until I looked at the work schedule and noticed that I was scheduled. I was pretty miffed. We sign up for holidays a year in advance and I was 100% certain that I had not signed up for the 4th of July. So you know, I did what any responsible person would do and sent a text to my boss telling her that it must have been a mistake that I was scheduled. She told me that she was pretty sure that I had signed up, but we could verify the next time I was in to work. Bless her heart for putting up with me. Sure enough, next time I went in, we looked at the sign up sheet for holidays and there certainly was my name in black and white next to the 4th of July. So, how about some humble pie? 

I had a festive day at the hospital dressed like a flag while my family went to a parade and then down to Shawna and Alisa's house for a BBQ. I joined them that evening for some fireworks at Mesha's house. It was still a fun evening, but you know, so much for the well-laid plans. I think the kids all had a good day and Mishell enjoyed her first parade.

Jace..I just love him. :)

Gosh I was "fluffy" (as my co-worker at the hospital would say) and like I said, dressed like a flag

Jace got hit in the face by a wayward ball at Mesha's house and lost his first two teeth! Don't worry, this was his excited face. And even though it was dusk, Aunt Alisa went to town and helped him find both of them on the basketball court. What a saint.

Yeah, maybe sparklers aren't the safest idea with Flor. She just wanted to touch it.

Happy 4th of July, a mere 2.5 months late. :)

September 13, 2016

July Randoms: Part 1

July was a much more exciting month. I am going to have to do multiple posts on just the randoms. Aren't we exciting! Anyway, here's the first part:
Mishell got a perm, which actually helped relax her hair! Aunt Jenny was kind enough to do it and then braid it. She's awesome.

Good looking braids 

We hit up multiple splash pads, multiple times! Free fun--winning

The kids had summer daily chores and weekly chores. That plus going without technology made them feel like they were the most picked on children ever.

Jace actually liked it...for a while...then the novelty wore off. Ha. 

This is so Flor. One pant leg up, one down.

A day at the neighborhood park. It's a fun one. 

And then to Home Depot. Sometimes these two love each other (And sometimes their hair is done, and sometimes it is not. Judge away)

I think this is from father's day, which was actually in June...but here it is. so yeah. 

Jacer is just the sweetest boy sometimes. I was sleeping in one morning and he woke up, got Flor out of bed, bathed her, and got her dressed before I was awake. When I asked him about her hair, just jokingly, he said "I was going to do that next!" Love him. 

Roasting marshmallows with Jen and Steve's kids. The good old fashioned grill way :)

Just a random picture of my two boys. They're cute.

When you get a hundred years pregnant, you have your husband do your toenails, and he does, because he's a champ like that.

Splash pad with Jenny and Travis's kids. Always a fun time with cousins!

The best I can do on Mishell's hair myself. I aint no stylist and I have no tricks up my sleeve other than this and a little top bun. Hahahaha...poor girl. 
Round two coming....sometime...somehow...