May 8, 2016

Spring Cabin Trip

On a whim, Mari Ann organized a last minute trip to the Crapo cabin for Conference weekend. We had another (late) Easter celebration complete with the big meal and an easter egg hunt for the kiddos. As always, we ate too much, we stayed up way too late, and we played a fair few games. We had a blast. Thanks Mari for organizing it and Crapos for letting us come! 

Preparing our big feast

Egg hunt number?? I lost count!

Cute Brookie hunting some eggs and cute Devin hogging baby Luke

Mishell had just had her knee surgery, so she hobbled around the cabin and didn't get to hunt any eggs. Poor girl. 

Cabin time is always time for sleeping

This is a bad picture, but that's the grand Teton in the back there. Lovely view.

Hallie loves babies. Here she is playing with Luke

Cute girls!

And this is how we all felt on the way home!
 We loved getting to spend the weekend with family and getting to watch conference. My favorite part was the announcement of the Quito temple!!! How amazing will that be?! We hope we can go back for the open house/dedication. Good thing that is probably years down the road so we can start saving now!

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