December 15, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013, Part 1

I know Thanksgiving was eons ago, but since I slacked off and haven't updated the blog in some time, you get it now. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving twice- once the weekend before at the Crapo family cabin in the middle of nowhere, Idaho, and the second time at Devin's brother Shane and his wife Marcene's house in the middle of nowhere, Utah (just kidding Shane and Marcene!). Since I have a lot to cover, we are going to break this up into two posts.

 You know what's sad? I have zero pictures of Flor, Jace, or Devin from the weekend at the cabin. I mostly got these pictures from others (We have a family Facebook page where everyone can just upload their pictures and then everyone else can just take what you want-- brilliant idea if anyone is looking for a brilliant idea). So, despite the photographic evidence pointing to the contrary, Flor, Jace, and Dev were all present at the cabin.

The cabin was a blast. We had a fantastic time for the two and a half days we were there. It was so much fun to all be together and to be able to put the kids to bed and stay up playing games, etc. We also had some pretty awesome activities planned and they turned out really fun f I do say so myself. :) I will let the pictures do most of the talking, as I usually do. And you can thank me later that I made a bunch of collages of the pictures I have instead of making you view them all one by one. You're welcome.

First things first: Friday night we got to go go the local high school's production of "The Sound of Music" because Hailie was performing! She did a great job and we women enjoyed it while the men enjoyed watching football at the cabin. Win, win. 

Can't beat this view, right? Beeeeautiful. That's the Grand Teton in  case you wonder.
 A bunch of random (but cute-- they made the cut) pictures of the cabin time:
Right out of bed getting to hold a baby? Nothing better. 

Game time!

It just wouldn't be a Clark family party without entirely too much soda. Seriously? Is this necessary? Apparently so.

During Thanksgiving dinner, we got to go around and say what we are thankful for as per tradition. This year was extra emotional as  many people were grateful for the health of this man, my Uncle Judd, who is doing remarkably well after a nearly fatal stroke earlier this year. We have so much to be grateful for. 

Apparently I have a LOT of pictures of Hallie at the expense of the other two kids (so sorry kids). Claire and Hals.

Really late night games. Bet you can't tell.

Oh and yes, at one point we really did eat a fantastic traditional Thanksgiving dinner! Yum, Yum.
Oh the things we do late at night. Che' had a box of Bertie's Every Flavor Beans from Harry Potter World that she was saving for a special occasion, and this was just the time. We had a great (and disgusting) time testing out the various flavors. Some were delicious and normal and others-- well others were of such flavorings as earwax, dirt, vomit, bleach, earthworm, etc. You couldn't tell which was which just from looking at them.  I think the faces speak for themselves as to how the bad ones tasted....

Minute to Win- It:
I am sure you have all seen the TV show Minute to Win-It and probably a lot of you have played some Minute to Win-It games with your family. If you have not, I recommend it. Good times had by all. We divided the entire family into three teams, babies and all. We then had 8 games and each team picked a representative from their team to compete in that game. 

Some of these pictures are not the greatest because there were so many windows surrounding the area, but oh, well...This game was one where there were multiple bags of various heights on the ground and each competitor had to pick them up with their mouth without having more than two limbs touching the ground at once. They had to transfer each bag to the table behind them and the first one done with all their bags won.
In this game, the three people had to have a yo-yo tied around their waist and then they had to swing it to knock down ten cups on the ground.
The classic pull all the kleenex out of the box fastest game.

The game where you have to get the cookie from your forehead into your mouth without using your hands.

In this game, the competitors had to scoop up all their candy canes just using another candy cane and get them all into their bowl first to win.
Hopping on one foot while carrying an egg on a spoon. Yes, we did have eggy carpet after this one and YES...the pregnant girl (Des) won!
Blowing the cups with a straw off the edge of the table- harder than it looks for some! Hallie got zero, I believe. :)
Annnnnnnnd, last but not least-- the most entertaining of them all- the attach an empty kleenex box to the back of the person and shake out the balls game. Hilarious. I mean, just look at the bottom left picture and Mari Ann (far left). HAHAHAHA!! (Yes, I know that one of the pictures is in that collage twice-- for some reason, it would only do it that way. Weird).

Alright, part two coming up another time! 

1 comment:

Marcene Perry said...

Ha! We do live in the middle of nowhere... but it's closer than the "Middle of nowhere in Idaho"! :)