April 8, 2013

On Getting Old

I am officially (minus one class) registered for classes for this summer and fall at the U. I am getting a bit anxious to start school, just so that I can have it over with. :) I have received my internship assignment, which will be at the Utah County Division of Substance Abuse. Before you feel bad for me, it was my first choice, so I am thrilled. I will be getting paid and it is really close to my home, which are both bonuses. I also am really interested in addiction and addiction treatment, so it will be a great fit, I think. I will be spending 20 hours per week there starting in the fall.

So, about the getting old part. Yesterday morning, waaaay early in the morning, I sat up in bed suddenly and remembered that the 8th was my day to register for classes. I wrote it down, knowing that I would likely forget again, and went back to sleep. So all day yesterday I reminded myself that I was going to stay up late, till midnight, so that I could register for classes. I was not-so-fondly recalling my undergraduate days at BYU where everyone would race to get the same classes so I would stay up and register at 12:01 am on the day registration opened in order to get my ideal schedule. 

So there I was, up way past my normal 10:30 bedtime and really struggling to stay awake. I cleaned out two closets in order to keep myself awake and then read a little bit (not the best idea, but there wasn't anything else to do!). At exactly 12:00, I ran downstairs and got my schedule all lined up and pressed SUBMIT. I should have paid a lot closer attention earlier, because my schedule didn't submit, instead I got an error code telling me that my registration appointment was for 12:15 pm on April 8th. Didn't even notice that before. UGH. All that staying up for nothing. I was so beat...I am not so young anymore. Staying up till midnight is a tough feat. Haha. 

I finally got things kind of figured out today and registered. I do have to say that the U's online system is about the most confusing thing ever. Really, they couldn't make it any more confusing. And, the SW program has sent conflicting emails about which classes are required and which ones are not for my concentration. There is one class that is supposedly required for everyone, but it won't allow me to register, saying I need a code. The secretary in charge of answering registration questions is not-so-great at getting back to my emails, so we'll see when that gets sorted out. 

So one up for BYU on having a much more user-friendly system. I can't make a final judgement call yet, but from the short time I have spent on the U's campus, I must also say that BYU has a much more beautiful and well-cared for campus. However, I think the education I receive at the U is going to be top-notch and might be a better experience than what I had at BYU. Time will tell. 

May to May. I can do this. Wish me luck. 


Racher said...

Agree about the U registration being THE WORST EVER!!! It's like trying to break into a vault.

The Y might have a nicer campus, but I bet the dean of the college wont close down your program this time :)

Unknown said...

You can so do this!! I think it is so awesome! GOOD LUCK!!

Jessica and Danny said...

Congrats! You're on your way!