December 31, 2012

Christmas Part II (Christmas Eve)

And here we continue our Christmas picture dump. On Christmas Eve, we filled the day with multiple activities to keep our minds busy in anticipation of Santa's visit that evening.

The first stop was Aunt Suey's house, where we made Linda's famous sugar cookies to leave out for Santa that evening. The batch was large enough that we couldn't even fit it in the mixer. The girls were happy to use their little hands to help mix it, though. (Sorry, Santa, if you got sick...)

Aunt Mari Ann taking a little break to play with Jacer on the floor. What a good aunt. 

I personally wasn't much help...

Watching the snow fall outside the window. White Christmas...YES!!

After Sue's, we made our way to Idaho Falls to Grandpa Dave and Grandma Sharon's house. We spent the afternoon playing with Brady's old marble toy from the 80's, which proved to be way fun (why don't we have such awesome toys anymore?)
We then had dinner all together as family and headed downstairs to have our first round of opening presents! The kids were extremely spoiled and made out with a new trampoline from Grandma and Grandpa, along with new clothes and toys. Whoa. Can we say spoiled? The trampoline news hasn't really set in yet-- but I am sure they will be thrilled when we set it up in the spring.

I promise she was happier than this. Just remember that she isn't the most photogenic...

Cute Aunt Lara. These girls sure love her. 

All of the siblings and spouses minus Clark (he was there-- just not photographed here. It was the first time we have seen him in two years and thus the first time he has met Flor and Jace! Big occasion.) 
That night, back at Grandma Lisa's, we got everything ready for Santa to come!
Throwing out carrots and apples for Rudolph

A note and cookies for Santa

After the kids went to bed, Santa got to enjoy his cookies and milk! :) And they were delicious...
Next up, I am sure what will be a beast of a post...Christmas Day itself!

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