Jazz Game: We hit a Jazz game with Jennifer and Steve a few weekends ago. They were kind enough to bring us along on what was supposed to be Steve's Christmas present. We went to Cheesecake Factory first for dinner, which we love, and then headed to the game. It was the first game with the new coach, so we thought it would be pretty exciting. Well, the Jazz were kinda lazy and didn't do so hot in the second half, but it was still fun. Swimming with Grandma and Poppy: Hallie got to go swimming with Grandma and Poppy and all of Dave's kids and their kids one Friday night. She loves swimming and Devin and I were glad that Grandma was willing to swim with her so that we didn't have to get in. Yeah, me in a swimsuit at this point? Not going to happen.
BYU Game: That same weekend, we got to go to a BYU game with my dad and Sharon. What fun. Hallie loved Cosmo. She kept asking where he was when she couldn't see him, until my dad told her that he was gone to the bathroom (in order to get her to stop asking, you know...) Then, after the game, we went to the bathroom and she stuck her head under a few stalls, yelling, "Cosmo! Are you in there?!" before I got a hold of her to stop that sort of behavior. Embarrassing, but kind of funny.
Pregnancy: Yeah, that hasn't changed. Still pregnant. This is 36 weeks, though I am 38 now. Not alot to say on this topic....other than I AM READY TO BE DONE!!!!
Girly Girl: Hallie has taken to entertaining herself in various ways when she is supposed to be going to bed. One day, I went in to get her and she had changed entirely out of her pajamas, into an outfit of her choice, had a bow in her hair, was wearing a tutu, and had a purse and a bag on her arm. Yeah, she slept the whole night that way, I am pretty sure. Awesome.
Boots: In addition, Hallie has an obsession with her snow boots. I always swore I would not be one of those parents whose child wears snow boots in the summer. We might just be those people, though. However, so far, we have not left the house wearing them, thank you very much. This is another night, when she fell asleep wearing her beloved boots.
Again, the boots. Must we? Yes, we must. And yes, our two year old loves to play the game "angry birds." Don't we all?
Allllllrighty, that's it for now. Bear with me and I will try to update more often. Particularly when our life gets more exciting....like when we have a baby.
Pregnancy: Yeah, that hasn't changed. Still pregnant. This is 36 weeks, though I am 38 now. Not alot to say on this topic....other than I AM READY TO BE DONE!!!!
Girly Girl: Hallie has taken to entertaining herself in various ways when she is supposed to be going to bed. One day, I went in to get her and she had changed entirely out of her pajamas, into an outfit of her choice, had a bow in her hair, was wearing a tutu, and had a purse and a bag on her arm. Yeah, she slept the whole night that way, I am pretty sure. Awesome.
Boots: In addition, Hallie has an obsession with her snow boots. I always swore I would not be one of those parents whose child wears snow boots in the summer. We might just be those people, though. However, so far, we have not left the house wearing them, thank you very much. This is another night, when she fell asleep wearing her beloved boots.
Again, the boots. Must we? Yes, we must. And yes, our two year old loves to play the game "angry birds." Don't we all?
Allllllrighty, that's it for now. Bear with me and I will try to update more often. Particularly when our life gets more exciting....like when we have a baby.
Kim-- you have to admit, you're life is always interesting with the little Hals around. She's the party around your place! ;)
Can't wait for the little guy to come! 38 weeks! My gosh! So close! You still look SO GOOD! So tiny! Wishing you luck this last little bit. That's always the hardest part!
Don't mind my grammar. Just checked it. Should have done that before I posted above.
Gosh she's so hilarious. The boots thing just cracks me right up. And you don't even look pregnant!! haha I also loved the sticking her head in the terlet room looking for Cosmo. What a cute kid. :)
Hallie is adorable and I can't believe how grown up she's gotten! I love how she redresses herself before going to sleep :) Good luck with the upcoming delivery - I'm excited to hear how it turns out, I'm really nervous for my second one and how Matthew will handle the transition and everything. But it sounds like Hallie is ready - and ready for more than just a baby brother - I think it is amazing that you are adopting Flor, what a ride you've been on over the years since Ecquador, but what an amazing opportunity and that she will be coming to such a loving home! I think that's amazing that Devin is so willing as well! You guys amaze me and I look up to you for what you are doing!
Ahhh the Jazz. Jon, Josh, Jett and I went to the last game Sloan coached. Hopefully we will get better with time. Swimming was fun! Good to see you all. I cant get over how tiny you stay when you are pregnant...amazing.
Hallie is cute! I like reading about what shes doing cause Jaidens sometimes doing the same things :) Girls are fun!
What is it with little girls and boot? She's adorable!
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