February 27, 2011

Revisiting a Classic!

So apparently, last time I was waiting to deliver a child, I discovered this great website. I was reading old blog posts today and came across my last blog on this and thought it would be a great idea to see what Hallie would look like through the years. Never mind the tongue hanging out and the cheesy grin; those pictures seemed to work best for her. Great entertainment, I tell you.

Going backwards, here are some classic shots of her over the years:2000: What a beauty! Definitely would have been getting the guys, I'd say. Never mind that her mother never did--I was always the dork that tried too hard and didn't quite make it. Ahhh, gotta love the high school years.
1992: I think this is wishful thinking. I am pretty sure Hallie will never have this much hair, judging by the puny amount she still has in her 2+ years. Luckily, if she ever does get this much hair, I am really skilled at ratting jobs. What a cool mom I would be to help her rat her hair! (Let's actually just hope this style never comes back in...)
1984: I love the huge bow!!! I think so far, this look suits her best. And- she does love bows, so bonus there.
1974: Ahh, the feather hair. Classic. If only her eyes were open and she had a normal look on her face, she might look just like my mom, who sported this hair for a good number of years, if I do recall correctly.
1970: I always wondered what Hallie would look like black! She is gorgeous!
1962: I think this one looks pretty natural, too. The little bow is pretty cute. I will keep this hairstyle in mind for when she has enough hair. Possibly she won't be wanting me to do her hair when she is 16, but I can always assure her that I am available...

What fun. Please forgive my boring posts these days...I am definitely feeling my late pregnancy state and not energetic enough to do much.

February 25, 2011


*The other day, Hallie and I were talking about the baby and what it was going to be like when he comes. She told me that she will share her toys, bring diapers, feed him bottles, and give him his binky. Then she said, "I want to hold him!" So I explained that she can hold him once he is born. She refused to accept this as an answer and said, "no, I hold him now!" She then proceeded to grab both sides of my belly with her two little hands and "hold" the baby for a time.

*Prayers are always classic. One began this way: "Dear Heavenly Father. It's me again...."

*When Carlie was here one day, Hallie was asking about Carlie's boyfriend Beau. She got really quiet and then said, "Beau is handsome!" A little crush, maybe?

*When Devin comes home from school, she often asks him "How was school, daddy?" She seems genuinely concerned about how his day has been.

*On the same note, she has a pretend phone that she plays with sometimes. One day, she pulled out the phone and had the following conversation: "Hi Buzz! How was scouts? Pretty good??" I thought this was pretty funny because 1) Buzz is Camille's husband and its not like we talk about him all that much... 2) Buzz is in the Scouts and somehow she must have remembered that from one of my conversations with Mille.

*The other day, she saw my belly after I got out of the shower and commented on how it was wet. I then said, "yeah...is mommy's belly big?" And she responded with, "getting huge, mommy." very matter-of-factly. True. And oh so kind.

*She often chants a phrase that is something like, "hup two three four, keep it up two three four..." which totally confused me because I had no idea where she got this. (It sounds like something from the Jungle Book or something?) so one day I asked Devin about it and he told me that uses that with her sometimes when she is cleaning up toys or something similar. Mystery solved!

*One Sunday she got a cookie in church and ran around the house shouting, "Woodhouse made it!!! Woodhouse made it!" (her nursery leader's name is Sister Woodhouse). I would try to correct her and say "Sister Woodhouse made it" but she refused to use the "Sister" part. The next week, I asked Sister Woodhouse if she had in fact made the cookie and told her what Hallie had been saying. She laughed and said that she has no idea how she knows her last name as she hasn't ever told her and they don't really use them in class since most of the kids don't understand anyway. Kind of funny the things she picks up on.

* Hallie is really into knowing who bought things that she has. So she will ask at least a million times a day, "who bought the shirt, mom?" or "who bought the bathtub, mom?" etc. etc. etc. for every item imaginable. It can get a little difficult to answer this question when she asks about things like body parts.

What a cheeser. We sure love her. Her little world is about to be turned upside down. But, we can't wait for another one to bring us just as much joy and laughter as she does.

February 22, 2011

Quick Cap

I know you all think we fell off the face of the earth, but in reality, our internet has been out for 3 weeks. Darn the internet company who told us that it was fixed continually, but yet, it was not. Finally, we are back in business. So in order to spare you all the details of our lives for the past month, here is a quick recap of the highlights:

Jazz Game: We hit a Jazz game with Jennifer and Steve a few weekends ago. They were kind enough to bring us along on what was supposed to be Steve's Christmas present. We went to Cheesecake Factory first for dinner, which we love, and then headed to the game. It was the first game with the new coach, so we thought it would be pretty exciting. Well, the Jazz were kinda lazy and didn't do so hot in the second half, but it was still fun. Swimming with Grandma and Poppy: Hallie got to go swimming with Grandma and Poppy and all of Dave's kids and their kids one Friday night. She loves swimming and Devin and I were glad that Grandma was willing to swim with her so that we didn't have to get in. Yeah, me in a swimsuit at this point? Not going to happen.
BYU Game: That same weekend, we got to go to a BYU game with my dad and Sharon. What fun. Hallie loved Cosmo. She kept asking where he was when she couldn't see him, until my dad told her that he was gone to the bathroom (in order to get her to stop asking, you know...) Then, after the game, we went to the bathroom and she stuck her head under a few stalls, yelling, "Cosmo! Are you in there?!" before I got a hold of her to stop that sort of behavior. Embarrassing, but kind of funny.
Pregnancy: Yeah, that hasn't changed. Still pregnant. This is 36 weeks, though I am 38 now. Not alot to say on this topic....other than I AM READY TO BE DONE!!!!
Girly Girl: Hallie has taken to entertaining herself in various ways when she is supposed to be going to bed. One day, I went in to get her and she had changed entirely out of her pajamas, into an outfit of her choice, had a bow in her hair, was wearing a tutu, and had a purse and a bag on her arm. Yeah, she slept the whole night that way, I am pretty sure. Awesome.
Boots: In addition, Hallie has an obsession with her snow boots. I always swore I would not be one of those parents whose child wears snow boots in the summer. We might just be those people, though. However, so far, we have not left the house wearing them, thank you very much. This is another night, when she fell asleep wearing her beloved boots.
Again, the boots. Must we? Yes, we must. And yes, our two year old loves to play the game "angry birds." Don't we all?
Allllllrighty, that's it for now. Bear with me and I will try to update more often. Particularly when our life gets more exciting....like when we have a baby.

February 2, 2011

First Article of Faith

This is just too funny not to share. Hallie has been learning the First Article of Faith. Usually she just repeats each word after me, but tonight she wanted to try it on her own. She did pretty good, for being 2! Love this girl, she makes us smile!