August 27, 2009

Work In Progress

We are loving our new (old) house. When we bought the house, we knew that we would be doing some updates, but I didn't know we would have accomplished so much so quickly. It seems like we have done nothing but work on the house in all our spare time. I just have to keep telling myself that it is worth it to live in chaos for a while because the end result will be so much better. So, after 4 days of sleeping downstairs on an air matress that continually loses air, this is what we have accomplished! I will post pictures of our bedroom and Hallie's bedroom first since they are the only ones we have completed, then I will post pictures of the other rooms as we complete them as well.
Dev hard at work on the floors
Devin's wonderful sister Alisa and her equally wonderful husband Ren came over on Saturday for an all day project of sanding and refinishing the wood floors, which are in every room upstairs except the kitchen (well they are there too, but under some nasty old linoleum that ruined the wood floors, dang it) and the bathroom. After doing the floors, we have also painted the living room walls, our bedroom walls, and Hallie's bedroom walls. We added accent paint in the main room, but I will leave that for when we finish that room. We also redid all the baseboards and painted them and hung blinds.

Our bedroom before
Our bedroom after
Add a few furnishings and we are in business!
Hallie's room before- look specifically at her floors so you can see how bad the wood looked
Hallie's room after, plus her crib and such. We decided to keep her walls white since we aren't going to be living here forever. It wasn't worth it to paint them pink or something since the resell would not be as good, I am sure.

So, there you have it. Our house so far. The living room is almost done, we just have to put the baseboards back on and put the furniture back and then we are in business. The real project is gonig to be the kitchen. I can't get those floors done fast enough! We'll see when we have time to do it though.


LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

I love how Hals is hiding behind the door in the last pic. It's like playing "I spy"... what a doll. I am happy to hear the bed is back upstairs. I will have to come see it!

Jen said...

Oh my goodness, your floors look AMAZING!! I'm going to have to come see them....

Emily Empey said...

CUTE! Your house is very cute!!

Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Your house is looking amazing!!!! Good work!!!!! Oh how I wish to have my own home! Someday someday!

Paige said...

Looks amazing! (Dan wants me to tell you good job too). Great job! Can't wait to see the living room!

cortney and neil said...

Wow the floors look awesome. Your house is looking adorable. Can't wait to see the living room!

Abby said...

way to go on the remodeling. that is so much fun. i grew up my whole life only living in old houses that had to be remodeled- so i'm used to living like you're living now :) it's a treat for me that we got a NEW house! haha. at least you'll always have something to keep you busy, well besides Hallie. :)

lisa said...

Kim, Your house looks so cute. I can't wait to see it. I loved the picture of Hallie behind the door. She reminds me of you.
Love mom

Jaimie said...

Wow!!! Awesome job guys!! Pretty impressive! I love Hallies ladybug bedroom stuff!! Jaide has the exact same one, great minds think alike apparently..haha:)

David Strobel said...


What a wonderful home you have~!


Mike and Kim said...

Wow I just love it! Can't wait to see the rest.