July 20, 2008

I have to jump on the bandwagon

This is so fun, I can't resist. Tell me your memories!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you


Scott, Kasie, Payton and Emmett said...

Oh Kimmie... where to start! I have so many fond memories of us being roommates. A memory I have with you (also including Kaylin) was when we went to Blockbuster to visit Banger, and while Kaylin was inside, we moved her car to a different parking spot just a couple of spaces down. It happened to be in front of the sidewalk. Kaylin came out, not noticing anything, got in the car and started it up. She didnt notice the sidewalk, put the car in Drive, and drove right over the darn thing! I remember we all just DIED of laughter... I swear that was the hardest we had all laughed ever!!!

But a memory I have with just you is our constant wedgie wars!!! You can't forget those! I believe I won! hehehehe.

Tedi @ Running with Infertility said...

Okay... So there was one night (it was the night that Chase and I stayed outside our apartment hall till 4am, he was betting me that I couldn't) Well you were saying bye to Devin, and you ended up talking to him forever. I remember how cold it was too.

I also was going through some notes to clean my house a few weeks ago and came across some notes that we had written each other from after ward prayer, and sure enough I had forgotten your name. :( I felt SO bad! Anyways that is all that I remember. :)

cortney and neil said...

oh so many to choose from. I would have to say the time we disected the tampon, and asked your mom what it was, and she told us it looked like a dead mouse. Also that day I sprayed Che's bum with air freshner because I said she farted. I don't think she had ever been so mad at me. I also have to laugh every time I think about sending you to the store in the hail storm. AND remember the time we dressed up Jen and told brent wright she was our cousin visiting from far away, and he was seriously crushing on her then we told the poor kid at green canyon we were visiting from Beverly hills. We were such dorks. There are so many I am just sitting her laughing.

Haylee said...

Okay so I have about a MILLION memories of my good BF.

The first one that popped into my head was the time that the two of us didn't get asked to senior ball and we hung out in my room that night on my bed and just laughed and cryed and had so much fuN!

I remember having our little club where i was the counselor and we were walking around shamerock park when you told first told me that your parents were getting a divorse...

I remember the time when we were in 6th grade and I told my mom that I was going over to your house but we really went over to Ben Domans and Jordan Taylors house to play kickball and night games... then my mom called your mom and I got in big trouble for lying! :)

I remember wearing our lepord platform flip-flops and taking midnight trips to the grocery store ("Your sucker is on fire!!" and "Oh my gosh, I'm not even wearing a bra!" and how we got married on isle 5 or something like that!)... it's true, we were really weird!

I remember driving in the linc and you would honk my horn and I said, "Stop it you horndog!!" and me and you laughed and laughed and laughed and Anneka just sat there disgusted by us! :)

Okay... I seriously need to stop, I really could go on forever. How fun reminising though! :) LOVE YOU!!

Brady & Ashley said...

There have been so many! Happy, sad, serious, funny...the list goes on and on! You definitely picked one of my favs when we ate our dinner at LA Weightloss! I guess we couldn't get enough of the place! I also remember when I used to be so intimidated by you that I didn't dare talk to you! Ha ha! What a joke! I don't know at what point I got over that, but I'm sure glad I did! I think some of my favorite times with you have just been when we had nothing to do but sit and talk for hours about anything and everything! You've always been my life saver, and I can always count on you to make my days a little better! :) Love ya Kimmi!

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Well... this could take a while. And after much deliberation, I still am not sure rather I should post this for the whole world to see. But I can't resist. It truly is my funniest memory with you. You and I had been building a "fort" out of an old piece of machinery behind Grandma's property. We were at an awkward age and we got onto the subject of you know.... girl stuff. Both of us were still much too little to be worrying about it but we got the great idea that we should start wearing bras. Well, that conversation got us onto an even greater idea. We marched our little legs back up to Grandma's house, busted in the back door and boldly asked her if we could try on one of her bras. Her face was priceless. I must say this though, we were brave! I don't think I would ask Grandma if I could try on her underwear nowadays! There are so many amazing memories with you. You are someone that I always had a great time with. No matter what. I love you so much and appreciate all my "remember whens" with you!

emilie s. d. p. said...

I remember coming over to you house with Mitch to talk about family history and just thinking how fun both you and your husband were. I really liked your sense of humor a lot.
Most recently I remember sitting with you in the Family History lab and thinking "this girl is so great!" You made me laugh and it was just so good talking to you.