July 28, 2008


Well, I just had to show you this. Our child already has enough stuff to fill China. Okay, maybe not, but Devin thinks I should stop buying so much (especially clothes, especially the pink kind). But hey, I just can't resist a good sale and when girl baby stuff is so cute....Let's hope it really is a girl!

And for good measure, some pregnancy pictures, since I know you are all DYING to see those. This is 24 weeks and 6 days, so we will just say 25 weeks.

She's definitely in there. And she definitely thinks she is an Olympian. Attitude and Olympian...that is what we have discovered about her so far.

I don't know how good this picture will turn out, since we don't have a scanner, I took a picture of the picture. But I never did put any ultrasound pictures on, so here one is. If you can't tell, her little hand is resting on her forehead. The Sonographer kept trying to get her to move it and she just wouldn't (apparently she was comfortable). He would push hard on my abdomen with his little tool and then she would move her hand for a split second and then go right back to where it was as if to say, "look man, I am not playing your games, so stop bugging me!" Stubborn like me, oh good!

Wrapping up Day Three

Day three we got to sleep in a little! Wahoo! We went to the neighboring town to a little resort where we rode the alpine slide. Jennifer, Shawna and Heidi here on their way up. (You can't even see Heidi, but she was there)

Here are Devin and I on the chairlift too. Looking chipper.

The girls with their sleds ready to ride!

Devin will be such a good daddy. He just has a natural ability with kids and they love him. Here he is playing with Daphne.

When we got back, Devin challenged me to a game of PIG. I'll bet he is sorry he did that, I won!

We had more family games that afternoon. A big round of kickball in a lopsided field. Yippee. I got to play home base. Not the position, the actual base.

A crowd sitting in the shade watching the teenagers play the game below. Good thing that tree is covering Devin.

This game was hilarious. The teenagers had to be blindfolded, crawl around inside the ring (a hose) and find objects to throw at one another. But of course they could not see anyone or anything, so they were all throwing wildly. When they got hit, they were out.

Of course we cannot go without mentioning that Devin played all the teenage boys in racquetball and won. They were all lining up to challenge him. Here he is playing Clark. I didn't even know Devin could play racquetball, let alone that he is good at it. Now we need to find someone to play him locally.

Whoa...we know you are the champion. No need to brag!

We went to dinner that night at a local BBQ joint. Look at all that meat. Can you tell Devin was happy? (even though the picture is crappy). When dinner was over, we headed back to the condos to play games until the wee hours of the night (by that I mean 11pm). We went to bed so we could wake up early and start on the drive back to Provo. We had such a good time at the reunion and we are grateful to Angela and Grandma for all their hard work. Until next year fam!

Bring on Day Two

The second day, we drove to Denver and spent most of the day at an amusement park much like Lagoon called Elitch Gardens.

This is the ride before the ride that got Devin really sick. Don't worry, I didn't ride any of them. He and my little brother Clark were riding buddies.
This is the ride that got Devin really sick. Check out the faces on both of them. They both look like they are about to die. We got a good laugh out of it.
Then Devin had to lay down for quite some time. We felt pretty bad for him. He was out of commission for the rest of the day, so he joined me and Jennifer and Chris as watchers.

Clark kept riding though. We found my uncle and aunt Richard and Peggy to ride with him. Here there are drenched after this log-ride.

Devin and I decided to play at the arcade for a while...some games we could both enjoy. We won enough tickets that we got a slap bracelet (remember those!?) and 5 jolly ranchers. Wahoo!
We decided that we needed to go on the carousel to say that we rode some rides at all. Here is my dad and Sharon on their fancy horses.

Here are Chris and Jen on the ride. I would put the picture of me and Devin, but it is really hideous (just trust me on this one).
Later that night, we went to dinner at an Italian Restaurant in Denver called Cinzettis. It was really good...as you can see from this picture. This is my aunt Tiffany and her 9 month old daughter, Daphne. When Tiff wasn't looking, Daphne just took her little hands and grabbed all the noodles she could get a hold of and stuffed them in her mouth. Pretty funny!

That's the end of Day Two. We drove home and we went straight to bed, we were so beat.

Strobel Family Reunion-Day One

Since there are just too many pictures to choose from, I decided to post about the family reunion day by day. So here we go.

We started off day one by going fishing with Jennifer & Chris, Shawna & Curt and their kids, and Sidney & Jack. Well, the lake was fishless, but we had a good time on the boat. Everyone else was either rafting at this point, hiking, or sitting in their condo.

Definitely NOT the best picture of us ever, but it proves we were on the boat.
Shawna is a master fisher-woman who proudly learned all she knows at Yellowstone Lake from family reunions of old. At points, she manuevered two fishing poles. Wow!

Devin and Curt were designated to touch the worms. None of the rest of us would do it. Yuck.

When we got back that afternoon, we played some family games, including walleyball at the clubhouse. I of course did not play, but Devin did as you can see.

Of course we finished off the night with the traditional round of games, including Snarf (Nerts if you prefer). Good thing Devin and I had practiced up at the ward campout, cause we were pretty good.

This is my lovely Grandma and me. I think there is a slight resemblance, now that I look at it. She was nice enough to pay for everyone's condos so that we could all come.

July 20, 2008

I have to jump on the bandwagon

This is so fun, I can't resist. Tell me your memories!

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you

July 11, 2008

4th of July Weekend

This 4th, Devin and I were able to go up to Idaho to spend some good old quality time with the family. We spent the day of the 4th up in Island Park floating down the river. By floating, I mean canoeing.

Devin and Dave (my mom's "friend") helping Chris get strapped in. Lucky him, he had the best seat in the house-a camping chair tied to the canoe.
These guys wish they could row as well as me, Devin, and my mom. No, they were pretty good.

This is my look of bewilderment. Unlike Chris, I did not get a good seat. I got to sit on the cooler in the middle of our canoe. Yippeee.

Occassionally, I would decide to help out with the rowing duties.

Occassionally, I would not.

Devin, being the eagle scout that he is, had to keep us on track most of the time.

Christopher enjoying the ride. You can't see it, but his life jacket had a handy dandy pocket knife attached to it too...you know, just in case we ran into any sharks in the water.

For lunch, we just pulled up onto a sand bar and set up shop. Jennifer is helping Chris get his hat on or something in this picture, while Dave is kindly chopping up vegetables and fruits.
Enjoying the good meal.

After the canoe rides, we got to ride in the back of Dave's truck to go back and get the other car. It has a top on it too, so we pretty much were dying of heat. Devin took advantage of the time by taking a nap.

Saturday, we spent shopping and buying way too much baby stuff. We had a BBQ at my dad's before leaving for Provo. It was a lot of fun to see everyone and we sure enjoyed all the good food. Sometimes, I just really miss having someone cook a nice big meal for me. I think about my mom and dad's Sunday meals and I just want to be there, just for the food. How horrible is that? But, I can easily say now that I cook on my own (or heat up) that it was nice to have parents who cooked so well for me growing up.

July 10, 2008

top three signs pregnancy is making me crazy

And these all happened yesterday.

3) I went to bed last night at around 11:30 and it just hit me that I had never brushed my teeth that day (yuck)

2) We had ward enrichment yesterday. Since I am the 2nd counselor in the RS presidency, this is my jurisdiction. I had been planning and working on this for a long time and it was stressing me out. But, just so you know, it turned out AWESOME and we had almost 50 sisters there, which I think is really good. Anyway, onto the story. We met in small groups in individual houses (4-5 girls) for the first part and made a new recipe together and then went to the church to eat a big Mexican Fiesta all together. Well the recipe that we were making at the house I went to was Brazillian Lemonade and since I was "in charge" of teaching the others, I figured I had better try the recipe out that morning. It calls for limes to be blended with some other stuff in the blender and then you strain the the blend to get out the rinds. Well, I strained the whole thing right down the sink. Never did I think to put a pitcher or a glass or SOMETHING below to catch the creation. So, I didn't get to try it. Then I went to the girl's house that night and we were chopping away, blending away, etc. and I was telling them about what I had done earlier in the day and how dumb I felt. So, we get done with the blending and I go to the sink and DO THE EXACT SAME THING!!! I strained the whole thing down the sink. AHHHHH. The one girl was just standing there staring at me like, "Is she serious?!" Yep, I had just finished telling the story and off I go again. Well, at least we could all laugh at it.

1) I turned the water on at Che's yesterday morning at 9:30 am. I was right in bed feeling good about myself and the day when I suddenly realized I had never turned it off! So the lawn got a good 12 hour watering yesterday. Wahoo.

Good thing I am fully blaming these on pregnancy. More likely is that I was so busy with enrichment stuff yesterday and planning that my mind was just elsewhere, but who knows.

July 6, 2008

A stroll down memory lane (freshman year to be exact)

I stole this picture right off my friend Kasie's ( http://skellenburg.blogspot.com/) blog. But I thought it was too cute to pass up. Here's a shout out to my Freshmen year roommates, Kasie, Camille, and Kaylin (Kaylin was not in the picture). We met up a few weeks ago to go to Cafe Rio, on of our favorite spots. I loved hanging out with them, even if it was only for a short while. We had such a great time our freshmen year, being the only freshmen in a ward full of "old people" as we called them. As a tribute, here are my top 5 memories from freshmen year with these wonderful ladies.

5. Collecting toilet paper from all who came over as a "toll". Hey, it saved us from having to buy any!
4. Sleeping in Kasie's car "Stitch" with her all night one night as we lost in "Dare Yahtzee".
3. Hooking up our roommate Kaylin with her "friend" Tyler. They are now married, and its all because of us. We coached them through the whole thing.
2. Getting into a war with Camille's brother's apartment that left us with a house FULL (and I mean FULL) of shredded paper. We were finding that stuff for months!!!
1. Just being silly together and having fun everyday. We made videos, we worked out together (kind of), we wore grandma lipstick together, we did service projects together, we ate Cafe Rio together (of course), we made lots of cookie dough that we ate before ever baking, and we definitely helped each other survive our first year of college!