The police took forever to arrive, and when they did, it was apparent that one officer was training another, so the whole process took twice as long. I mentioned to the first officer that I saw that I was 18 weeks pregnant and that I was concerned about my baby due to the fact that when I was hit, the seat belt pulled tightly into my abdomen. I was also in a fair amount of pain in my abdomen area. The officer chose to ignore me and continued his work. I was so frustrated and scared that by this point I was in hysterics. Devin was trying to calm me down and assure me that everything would be alright. He finally approached the other officer to tell him that I needed to be checked out. This officer told us that since I was not seriously injured, it was preferable that I drive myself to the hospital since ambulance fees are so expensive. I then called my mom to tell her what was going on and Devin gave me a blessing before we left for the hospital. It was only at this point that I was calmed down somewhat.
We arrived at the hospital and to make a long story short, I was checked by a nurse first, who after a painstaking minute or more (that doesn't seem like long, but believe me, it was ) found the baby's heart beat. I was really relieved then. The doctor came in and told me that he was going to order an ultrasound as well, just in case. We were wheeled off to another room where an ultrasound tech, who did not say one word to us, took pictures of the baby and of my kidneys. I tried to look at the screen, but he wouldn't let me. My head was behind the monitor, so I relied on Devin to take mental note of everything. When he was done, he wheeled me back to the room and then we waited for almost 45 minutes to see the doctor again. All he did was come in and say that things were fine and to go home. I was really frustrated by this point because no one was open and honest with us. The radiologist who read the results didn't come talk to us, the doctor wasn't really sure of what was going on and didn't answer any of my questions, etc. They just simply said, "go home". While I was relieved that everything was okay with the baby, I was just disappointed in the lack of care that went on.
After I talked to my sister the next day, she told us that we could request the ultrasound pictures, which I did not know. I called the hospital and we soon had a disk in our hands with all the pictures that they had taken. Along with that, there was a full report of what the radiologist had seen and everything he said when he looked at the pictures. Yeah, that would have been nice to know when we were in the ER in the middle of the night. I was glad to have the report, but it also frustrated me more, because as the reason for coming to the ER, it stated "Patient is complaining of Pelvic pain". NEVER did I say anything about pelvic pain, only abdominal pain, which they didn't even mention. I only told 4-5 people that it was my abdomen that hurt. So my ranking for that hospital is not so good at this point.
Anyway, long story short, I am okay, the baby is okay. Yesterday and today my neck and shoulders and upper back have been sore, but other than that, I am good to go. Sorry for such a long, dramatic post, but I thought I would update you all on everything that has happened. The Honda is in the shop getting repaired now and when that is done, we will trade in the Corolla to get fixed. Luckily, Devin and I don' t have to pay for anything, since nothing was our fault.
Oh, and we still don't know the gender of the baby, even though we have had two ultrasounds now! My doctor is going out of town tomorrow through the 25th, so it won't be until after that that we can tell. Dumb, I know.

Geez Kim! That is terrible luck! I cannot believe you had two accidents in one week. I am so relieved that everything is OK with you and the baby. I hope you start feeling better soon!
Wow Kim! I am so glad that you are okay and that everything is good with the baby. I hate when I feel like I don't get the service I deserve... I totally would have been peeved at the hospital and the drs.
Sorry about your cars though.. that totally bites!
I'm glad that you got the ultrasound pics. Hope you are feeling a little better. Hopefully you'll have a little better luck these next few days.
Can we say distracted driving? Holy crap, what is wrong with people? Who U turns right into someone? You poor thing, as if it wasn't bad enough getting in two accidents in one week, you have to have all service workers treat you like poo. I'm glad everything's ok, though. See you at work.
I am glad you are alright, I think I would have been in shock myself especially about the baby. You gotta get annie to tell you about her car accident with Addi..a doosey. Sad about the car. Oh and that is so funny that you have had two ultrasounds and you still don't know what you are having. Just call John and have him tell you. Devin could be on the phone too. Might be fun?!?
I am so sorry you had a rough week! Talk about car accidents. I totally understand the panic about baby. When I was in a car accident with Addy when she was 2mo I was hysterical too! There is just a motherly thing about clinging to the safety of your baby. Even now I am always checking my belly to make sure my baby is alive and kicking! I am so glad you and baby are fine!
wow-- i am glad you all are ok~~ that sucks how they treated you! and tghe cops should not have treated you that way! They should be more caring!! WILL agrees being a cop himself and about to have a baby! love ya kim glad everything is good!
Kim I am so happy that everything is ok. What a scary thing! How frustrating that you didn't have a good experience at the hospital. They need to take things more seriously with patients and treat them like there concerns are very important. I'm glad the baby is ok and you too! Can't wait to hear what the gender is!
I thought only I had that kind of luck to have two accidents in one week. I am glad all turned out good. i talked to grandma yesterday and she was very concerned. :) she is so cute.
Kim! That is totally scary! What are the chances you and Dev would get in 2 wrecks in one week?! Holy cow. I am glad everything is ok!!
What a run of bad luck...or a recognition of the blessing that things could have been worse! I'm glad you are all okay. So how's the new job?
I can't believe that you both were hit in the same week. What luck!
So glad your okay though, when you told me about you both being in a car accident this week I figured they were little fender benders, no big deal, but I can't believe that girl hit right on your drivers side door! That's a big deal. So scary! Glad you and the baby are doing fine (even though the help you received at hte ER was worthless)
Well I'm glad you're okay! Chicago is good-super rainy and I don't have a job so I stay home all day...but I can't complain :)
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