April 26, 2008


Ok, so why am I blogging at 8 am you ask? I ask myself the same thing. Especially since today is our anniversary first of all, second we are moving today, and third, I have a talk to write for church tomorrow that I have not even started. Well...since we will be moving out today, I am not sure when we will have our internet up and running again, so I figure I better get these posts up while I can and then I can catch up on other things later! We have a new car to post pictures of and I got a new job and another interview on Monday, but we will talk about that later too, we will have anniversary pictures of course and finally, we have another tad bit of information some of you might be interested in. You can await all such posts later on.

BUT...this post is dedicated to the fact that I GRADUATED yesterday! Wahooooo! It's been long in coming and I feel like I barely made it (due to the fact that I had to teach myself statistics this past week in order to pass my final...but never fear, I did just fine!). We were running around all day, after the sealing in the morning, we met my dad, Sharon, and Dillon for lunch at Magelbys. It was delicious and we had a good time. Devin and I had to split and then make our way to campus where I had to run around like a mad woman looking for a cap to put on my head that actually fit! The one I had was so small, I coudn't have even shoved my head in there if I wanted to. So finally, we found a bin where people who had already walked had turned their hats back in and I switched mine. Kinda gross I know, but what do you do!?
The ceremony was awesome. Before heading back to Chris' reception, we went to dinner with my mom and my Uncle Lynn and Jennifer and Chris at PF Changs. We had a great time. Okay, onto the pictures, enjoy the whole load!

Many of the Bachelor level Social Work students that I went to school with!

Thanks to Marcene, my sister-in-law for the good pictures like this one! She is an amazing photographer!

Just after getting my diploma, shaking hands with the director of the Social Work Program, Dr. Limb.

Can you tell I am just SO Excited!!!!

All the support I had! I love you guys! PS. Don't ask me what that bubble is in front of my dad's face...just a bad camera!

Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of me and Dev with both of us looking at the same camera at once! Oh well... he is still cute!
One of my best buddies from the program, Karen

And another, Rachel


Jen said...

Congrats, Kimmie! It was so fun to come and see you and Devin. We will have to try and get together more often. Life gets so busy and then before you know it, it's been months since we've seen each other. I'm so happy for you that you graduated! What a great day.

Brady & Ashley said...

Kimmie all your photos are so cute! You're a very lovely lady! I'm excited to see all your other pics that are on the way as well! I forgot to ask you today how the talk went so I'm gonna need to hear about that! Good luck manana!

Kristina said...

Kim! Congratulations on graduating!! So exciting! Sounds like everything is going good for you guys!

hayleemj said...

YEAHH!!! I am so happy for you and for all of your accomplishments! Congrats on the graduation and congrats on the new job. I'm anxiously awaiting the other posts.
Happy anniversary!! I SERIOUSLY can't believe that was a year ago!!

nataley said...

Congratulations- on graduating and the big one year mark!! I bet it is such a good feeling to be dunzo with school.

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

What a woman! You are so full of news. COngratulations on being a graduated being. How does it feel? Free? I am so anxious to hear about your job. Is it with your intership like you were hoping? Maybe I will just have to call and find out the details for myself. I love your pictures because it made me feel like I got to be there to share the experience with you. What a hot couple you guys make. Has it really been a year?

Cara said...

what a rewarding accomplishment, good job on completing your schooling without going insane!!