April 26, 2008


Ok, so why am I blogging at 8 am you ask? I ask myself the same thing. Especially since today is our anniversary first of all, second we are moving today, and third, I have a talk to write for church tomorrow that I have not even started. Well...since we will be moving out today, I am not sure when we will have our internet up and running again, so I figure I better get these posts up while I can and then I can catch up on other things later! We have a new car to post pictures of and I got a new job and another interview on Monday, but we will talk about that later too, we will have anniversary pictures of course and finally, we have another tad bit of information some of you might be interested in. You can await all such posts later on.

BUT...this post is dedicated to the fact that I GRADUATED yesterday! Wahooooo! It's been long in coming and I feel like I barely made it (due to the fact that I had to teach myself statistics this past week in order to pass my final...but never fear, I did just fine!). We were running around all day, after the sealing in the morning, we met my dad, Sharon, and Dillon for lunch at Magelbys. It was delicious and we had a good time. Devin and I had to split and then make our way to campus where I had to run around like a mad woman looking for a cap to put on my head that actually fit! The one I had was so small, I coudn't have even shoved my head in there if I wanted to. So finally, we found a bin where people who had already walked had turned their hats back in and I switched mine. Kinda gross I know, but what do you do!?
The ceremony was awesome. Before heading back to Chris' reception, we went to dinner with my mom and my Uncle Lynn and Jennifer and Chris at PF Changs. We had a great time. Okay, onto the pictures, enjoy the whole load!

Many of the Bachelor level Social Work students that I went to school with!

Thanks to Marcene, my sister-in-law for the good pictures like this one! She is an amazing photographer!

Just after getting my diploma, shaking hands with the director of the Social Work Program, Dr. Limb.

Can you tell I am just SO Excited!!!!

All the support I had! I love you guys! PS. Don't ask me what that bubble is in front of my dad's face...just a bad camera!

Unfortunately, we didn't get a picture of me and Dev with both of us looking at the same camera at once! Oh well... he is still cute!
One of my best buddies from the program, Karen

And another, Rachel

Two down, One to go

We had the busiest day of our lives yesterday. (See my other post!) In between graduating, we went to one of Devin's best mission buddies' sealings in the morning and his reception at night. Devin and their other best buddy, Rob, were his best men. This means that they got to wear some sweet HOT PINK ties!!! Wahoo! Rob is getting married in June, so he will not be too long to follow Devin and Chris' lead. Anway, enjoy some pictures.

April 15, 2008

My Ecuador Family

Last weekend, the family we lived with in Ecuador was in the United States for a visit! They came during conference so that they could go to a session. We were able to have a small reunion with them on Sunday night. It was so great to see them, even though it was a little weird to see them out of context! Jenny and Angel are amazing people who have had a great impact on my life. What they do for OSSO is inspiring and they are such good examples to me. They have three little kids, Grace, Jared, and Maibe. They have all grown up so much! You have to remember that they have new volunteers come through their every 6 weeks and they stay for 3 months on average and they have been doing this for years. When I saw Gracie, she ran up to me and gave me a hug and told me that she had the green pants that I had given her in her suitcase and she was so excited to wear them when they went to St. George! I had to stop and think...I didn't think I had given Grace green pants, but when I thought about it, my second trip to Ecuador, I did bring her some green pants! I was so surprised that she remembered...and she was so grateful for them. It made my day.

Anyway, here is a picture of Angel, Jenny, and my best friend from Ecuador, Beth and me. Also, there is a picture of Devin and me for good measure, since we haven't taken any pictures of us together lately! I know its not cute, but it is proof that we do sometimes do things together! : )

April 5, 2008

Family Birthday Party!

Today we had a birthday party in Brigham City for no one in particular, just everyone. My Grandma Clark put together the event since she figures we don't celebrate anyone's birthdays like we should. So as many of us that could got together for a fun little outing. We went to eat at Maddox, which is a really good restaurant. We ate at the guest house, which is a pretty fancy little place. I had no idea I should have dressed up! The funny thing is, we walked in and there was my dad and his wife too! They were there for Sharon's dad's birthday...but they were seated at the table right next to us and I had no idea they would even be there. Random that I run into my dad in Brigham City, UT at Maddox, where I have only been like two other times in my whole life. Funny.

Here are my cousin Che'Lyn and her husband Landon, who I had the privledge of riding up with since my husband was working. Che' and I are close in age and have always had an extremely close relationship. We have run the gamut of experiences together and I do have to say that we have had some pretty funny times in our day. Anyway, now that we are all grown up, its fun that we still get to see each other pretty frequently as she and Landon live here in Provo too.

Here is a shoutout to my favorite aunt Linda. Linda is expecting her third child in July! It will be a boy, so we are excited about that. Linda lives in Logan, so it wasn't too bad of a drive for her. Linda was kind enough (crazy enough?) to let Che' and I plus our sisters Cortney and Jennifer come stay with her for a week every summer during our young teenage years. She probably had no idea what kinds of things she would get into by letting us stay. She went to work during the day, so we were on our own! One year alone, amongst other things, we managed to start her house on fire (ok not the entire house...just a garbage can that we were smart enough to throw outside), break a screen door, eat an entire massive brick of cheese during the week, go out in public as often as possible with HUGELY ratted hair, offend her boss's young son by telling him his Garth Brooks shirt was hideous and that he needed to take it off, and throw glasses and have them shatter in the street at her then boyfriend (now husband, Brad) as he was driving away (ok, those last two were just me). Anyway, you can see why we love Linda and you can surely see why she loves us! Oh man, if only I had a scanner and could scan in the ratted hair day pictures...oh yeah, plus we would wear plaid shorts and go-go boots quite often. Oh well, use your imagination. While we ate, a mysterious person (my aunt Sue) attached these pictures to Linda's van. We think it is particularly funny because they are extremely popular these days, but it is NOT something Linda would EVER do. She was so embarrassed! She was trying to peel them off, but they would not come off. Haha...she might be stuck withthe lovely pics! Anyway, it was a good day and it was really fun to see everyone. I don't get to see everyone often enough, but when we do, we sure have a good time. Love the fam!

April 1, 2008

Send your ideas my way!

It is pretty funny that the only two callings I have had in my entire college career are activities committees and RS presidencies. So, this past Sunday I was called to be the 2nd counselor in my ward's Relief Society Presidency...and I will be leaving the activities committee for the new call! Well, that's all fine and dandy, except that means that I am the enrichment counselor. I think the Lord is trying to send me a message because I have NOT been to enrichment the entire time I have been in this ward. I can say I have good excuses, being busy with school and work and such, but could I have made more effort to be there? YEP, SURE COULD HAVE. So here I am! I am actually excited for the challenge ahead, but if any of you have had experience in enrichment or have brilliant ideas, I need them!!!!