October 14, 2007

Awww, cute!

I don't have any nieces and nephews of my own, but by marrying Devin, I have inherited 12 with 1 on the way. I always knew that nieces and nephews were going to be so fun, but these kids are a riot. I enjoy spending time with them and being around them. We live very near 5 of Devin's siblings, so we get the opportunity to babysit sometimes too. Notice that boys way out number girls in that family...3 girls to 9 boys. Hmmm...

This is Kayden. He might possibly be my favorite, although I don't have favorites of course. Here is a conversation we had recently at the Perry Family Reunion:

Me: So, Kayden, how is kindergarten?

K: I like it.

Me: Why do you like it? Do you have a girlfriend?

K: (very shyly). Yes.

Me: What's her name?

K: Aunt Kim

Devin was very jealous.

You can't tell me that that isn't cute. I only hope our kids are kinda cute one day.


Shawna said...

kim your kids will be adorable and probably very funny..it runs in the family. I enjoy reading your blog and I hope there are many more updates soon. You gotta get Jen to start one someday.

Anneka @ Anniesays-Anniedoes said...

SO funny story! I loved the convo with your whipped nephew. Tell Devin he should't fight a little kid and especially his nephew. Tell him that you can have two loves for awhile(okay I'm kidding). I am missing you lately. We need to see each other and spend some quality time bonding. Tell Devin to put it on his to do list under priority. LOVE you!