As I mentioned before, I have started my internship this semester. I am doing it at Wasatch Mental Health here in Provo. It is convenient because it is right down the street. I am a case manager there in a youth treatment program called Vantage Point. The program is a residential treatment for youth who are generally runaways, deemed as ungovernable, picked up by the police for minor breakage of the law, or in kids who are in state custody in between foster care placements. The average time they stay is only two days, but if they are waiting for a foster care placement, they can be there for up to a month.
Anyway, today I ran my first group ever! I was pretty nervous, especially since another case manager who has been there for forever and a therapist both sat in. We talked about the differences in our communication styles, such as being aggressive, passive, or assertive and role- played different ways to be assertive. I think the kids enjoyed it, they participated well, and overall I think it went well. So yay. Now I get to run the group every Thursday morning when I am there. I think it will be a great learning experience for me.
That is awesome that you get to have an experience like that. My internship was kinda lame, I never got to take over or anything. Good luck with that, it sounds exciting... and hard!
Hey! I am so glad that you started blogging again. I didn't know if you were going to or not but I have loved your comments on our site. I love your fun wedding pics too. That was such a special summer moment... probably the best ever for you! Addy and Jonny say hi. Have a superb and most lovely day!
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