While I am not the creator of "Apprecation Weeks" and I have no authority to overthrow Ronnie as the chairman, I am going to do it anyway because I feel like our dearly departed friend Gabe deserves an appreciation week. We all know that Gabe has left us to pursue a career in far off New York City and while we are definitely proud him, he will surely be missed. So I propose that everyone in blog-land throw out their appreciations for him as he settles into his new life.
Here are my personal top ten reasons why Gabe rocks:
10) Gabe is a slurpee eating machine. He can always be relied upon when a slurpee run is needed.
9) Gabe doesn't care when I sit on his chairs on the GK and act like they are mine.
8) Gabe is always down for a good game of hearts. Even though I shoot the moon more than he does, he is still a champ.
7) Gabe fixes my computer every time it is messed up (which is often) without ever complaining. *who is going to do that now??? volunteers would be appreciated*
6) Gabe shares his Italian Ices.
5) Who can forget Gabe's incredible piano playing skills in Atlanta? Never have I been more shocked at his hidden talents.
4) Gabe offered to let me ride on his scooter (and even drive it).
3) Gabe is always up for an adventure and is always in the middle of the greatest parties.
2) Gabe looks like "Where's Waldo" and sometimes even acts like him.
1) Gabe is a reliable, loyal friend who can always be counted on. I'm going to miss you Gabe!
July 27, 2006
July 18, 2006
Stress levels
I think I sometimes unnecessarily stress myself out. My long lost roomie Camille got me addicted to what we called "planning our lives." This would consist of taking time every Sunday afternoon to sit down and schedule the upcoming week down to the hour of the activities and homework that we would pursue. Well I decided today that it was a good idea to not only plan this week, but to plan the rest of my life.
It turns out I got into my major this week, so I set out to determine exactly the course I need to get to that magic graduation date as speedily as possible. Someone needs to tell me not to do these things! So pretty much if I want to graduate on time I have to take 16 or 17 credits each semester all the way through. I can do that, right? But then I get thinking about how much time I am going to have to spend studying, on top of balancing work and social life (what social life?). And not to mention how much its going to cost. It gets a little overwhelming.
Life is for having fun right? It is for just going with the flow, letting things happen as they come, RIGHT, RIGHT??? So there is no need for me to worry about graduating when it is still 2 school years away! RIGHT?!?!?! Why am I so ridiculous?
It turns out I got into my major this week, so I set out to determine exactly the course I need to get to that magic graduation date as speedily as possible. Someone needs to tell me not to do these things! So pretty much if I want to graduate on time I have to take 16 or 17 credits each semester all the way through. I can do that, right? But then I get thinking about how much time I am going to have to spend studying, on top of balancing work and social life (what social life?). And not to mention how much its going to cost. It gets a little overwhelming.
Life is for having fun right? It is for just going with the flow, letting things happen as they come, RIGHT, RIGHT??? So there is no need for me to worry about graduating when it is still 2 school years away! RIGHT?!?!?! Why am I so ridiculous?
July 16, 2006
McCann's the MAN!

So remember my obsession with Brian McCann? Well I went to two Braves games in San Diego this weekend. The two games I saw were incredible, the first a 15-12 win in 11 innings and the second an 11-3 route. I couldn't have been happier... except of course with the relief pitching. Anyway, I got THIS CLOSE to Brian McCann and I didn't even have anything for him to sign. I was too flabbergasted to even shout my undying love. Darn it. I learned a few things about him though, Including:
* He is actually very friendly. He is one of few Braves that stopped to sign autographs and even continued doing it when

* He has one heck of a good booty. He did some booty dances in between throwing mock pitches with his teammate and buddy, Jeff Francoeur. I of course, loved it.
* He is as awesome a player in real life as he is on TV. He hit a home run, just for me. It didn't quite make it to me though, despite his best efforts. A kid below me got it...
* He likes to stretch.
* He looks good behind home plate.

Isn't he just the greatest? The rest of the team is not that bad either.
They actually hit 8 homeruns between the two games that I saw. A Padres fan in front of us was telling us that Petco Park, where they play, is known for being unfriendly towards homeruns. And by that I mean, not many homeruns are hit there! So that was pretty cool.
A few

Nobody probably cares about that stuff, but I guess the moral of the story is that I love those Braves.
July 1, 2006
Traditional roles and the dumb old Braves
I think it's pretty sad when I would rather spend my Saturday night sitting at home watching the Braves lose than doing anything else. I told everyone that I talked to that I wasn't leaving my apartment until the Braves game was over even though they were down 6-3. Then, when they ended up losing the game, I was so upset I didn't want to go anywhere after that either.
While I was watching the game, Gabe came over and was watching with me. I was educating him on baseball, the rules of the game, the players, ect. He commented that traditionally women tend to get upset over men's constant wanting to watch sports.
Clearly this is not the case with me. I would go so far to say that I am as big of a fan of the Braves as ANYONE and that I know just as much about baseball itself and specifically Atlanta to rival any guy. I am not in the least bit ashamed of it, but I do think that I have gone a little bit crazy lately. As we all know, and people can rub this in my face, the Braves are not doing so hot this year. This is a source of great pain for me. I get so riled up during the games that I have to stop and tell myself that nothing is going to be accomplished by my yelling at the TV and at the players. Ridic. They can't hear me, nor do they probably care. BUT DANG IT....WHY CAN'T THEY JUST WIN!?
I don't care who you are though, there is something so hot about a sweaty baseball player! Oh, so hot...! My current favorite is the catcher, Brian McCann (who SHOULD be headed for the All-Star game). Dang, that boy is great. Take a look...
Well, I think so. Stefani was watching a game with me a few weeks ago and upon seeing him for the FIRST time ever, she made the following comment: "Wow! He has gained some weight!" That has nothing to do with anything, but I just about died laughing because of it. I am going to two games in a few weeks with my dad and brother as a last little vacation before my brother heads off on his mission. I would die happy if I could meet Brian McCann, or anyone for that matter. I will do whatever it takes.
Wish me luck.
While I was watching the game, Gabe came over and was watching with me. I was educating him on baseball, the rules of the game, the players, ect. He commented that traditionally women tend to get upset over men's constant wanting to watch sports.
Clearly this is not the case with me. I would go so far to say that I am as big of a fan of the Braves as ANYONE and that I know just as much about baseball itself and specifically Atlanta to rival any guy. I am not in the least bit ashamed of it, but I do think that I have gone a little bit crazy lately. As we all know, and people can rub this in my face, the Braves are not doing so hot this year. This is a source of great pain for me. I get so riled up during the games that I have to stop and tell myself that nothing is going to be accomplished by my yelling at the TV and at the players. Ridic. They can't hear me, nor do they probably care. BUT DANG IT....WHY CAN'T THEY JUST WIN!?
I don't care who you are though, there is something so hot about a sweaty baseball player! Oh, so hot...! My current favorite is the catcher, Brian McCann (who SHOULD be headed for the All-Star game). Dang, that boy is great. Take a look...

Wish me luck.
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