December 19, 2005

You Know You're Back in Idaho When...

* The big news on the front page of the paper reads, "Salmon Residents Fed Up With Deer in City"
*There are three obituaries in the paper instead of three pages (which is unfortunate for me, since I like to read them)
*Choices for the day's activities include hookey-bobbing and/or spinning cookies
*A radio contest asks for caller number 5 instead of caller number 93 or 107 or 200
*A visit to the mall to finish (or start in my case) your Christmas shopping that is supposed to last one hour lasts three because you see so many people you know that you have to stop and talk to
*Drivers are still going 10 mph over the speed limit even though the roads are snowy, icy, and wet
*The only person you can find to hang out with is your brother
*There is a store in the mall dedicated to John Deere and multiple cowboy apparel stores
*You see liscense plates with numbers such as 3 (that's my grandma's-really) or 77 (saw that one today) instead of the long letter-number combos.

That's all I could think of/noticed today...I'm sure more will come to me later...


the narrator said...

i told you idaho sucked.

Kim said...

I didn't mean to imply that Idaho sucks, only that its different. You all know about my fondness for Idaho. I love it.

Russ said...

You hear "doing donuts" called "spinning cookies".

Stefani said...

you hear terms like hookey-bobbing

Ronnie said...

Camille, on average, how often do you pee in your pants?