November 23, 2005

And the "biggest dork" award goes to...

Well, I have had a most interesting evening. I sometimes wonder how I make it through life without more damage than I already have. I worked in Draper tonight from 5-7 before getting on the road to come home for Thanksgiving. Obviously because I don't work there very often, I don't know the clients there like I know the ones that I have seen 3,345 times each in Provo. So a man comes in for a visit and in the middle his wife comes in and hands him an infant child. Now, I am just going to be honest here for a moment, this man was probably not in the prime of his 20's (or 30's or 40's for that matter). In other words, he was kind of old. (And I know what some of you are thinking....that he is probably NOT old at all since I supposedly have no ability to judge people's ages. But trust me on this one, he was no youngster!). So our conversation went like this:
K: Oh how cute! Is this your grandson?
Man: No. This is my SON.
K: Oh...umm...of off)
Not only am I ready to die at this time, but I am kicking myself because this exact experience has happened to me before and at that time, I swore I would never EVER be the cause of such an uncomfortable conversation again. Yeah, right.

I think I am officially the biggest dork alive.


Ronnie said...

I can't believe you listened to sad Christmas songs. Kim, are you depressed? Do we need to talk? Let me give you a "blog hug".

Kim said...

Ronnie, I am only depressed because its still 18 days until I see your smiling face.

Anonymous said...

With freaky stalker comments like that, his face may not be smiling when he arrives whenever the crap he's coming. On the other hand, you guys were just digitally first-basing it freshman style. "Blog hugs" are for ldssingles.i'mgonnathrowup.

Ronnie said...

You're just jealous that I invented the "blog hug" and now will make millions off of it. At least I'm man enough to not be Anonymous about it. I challenge you to a "blogging duel."

Ronnie said...

Kim, I'm sorry I've turned your blog into a veritable "Royal Rumble."

Kim said...

Oh hysterical. I am laughing. I have no idea who that is though because it is obviously someone who knows me well enough to know about my "bases". Interesting.

the narrator said...

i once asked a lady when her baby was due. she wasn't pregnant.

you're still a bigger dork though

Ronnie said...

Please make your next post about your "bases." And I lose the duel, mainly on the grounds that I don't know what a "blogging duel" consists of. I'm sure I would have lost anyway.

Kim said...

Ronnie, since when do you dictate what my blog is about? There is NO WAY I am blogging about the bases.

Loyd, I am glad I am not the only idiot out there.

Ronnie said...

Ok, then email me about your bases. "When you're sliding into first, and you feel a little burst..."

Stefani said...

Ronnie I'm afraind we do not sing that song in this family...pretty sure that's a rule.