July 26, 2015

4th of July 2015

July is always a fun-filled, crazy, run-faster-than-we-have-strength kind of month. This one hasn't disappointed. It started with a fun-filled 4th of July. We've made it a tradition for the past few years to spend the 4th with Devin's family, specifically Shawna and family who are in town from Canada (used to be Russia!) and Alisa. We used to hold a BBQ at our house, but since we moved, they've kindly held it at theirs. We actually went down the night before this time because I had a relinquishment in Provo, so we stayed the night at the family house to be there for all the festivities. We stayed up until 2 AM...and oh my gosh, am I too old for that these days!! We just had such a good time with them. We played every card in Apples to Apples and were to the point of loopiness because everything was just so funny. We then chatted for a while before finally deciding to hit the hay.

The next day, we had a BBQ with the family- Kirston & family came as well as Mesha & family. We hung out all afternoon, played in the yard, drew with sidewalk chalk, ate popsicles, and just enjoyed a blissful afternoon. That evening, we headed up to Rock Canyon park to watch the fireworks from the hill. They were splendid as usual, the only problem was that they started later than normal, we were crazy tired from the escapades the night before, we hadn't eaten anything since the BBQ (Can we say HANGRY? I think most people were fine, but I most definitely was not...ask Devin), and we had to drive back to Farmington that night. So, we watched about half and then headed out. It was about midnight, but I made Devin drive me through the nearest Wendys- you better believe it. I don't do too swell on skipping meals. :)

Anyway, we are really loving our 4th traditions. We just haven't done a parade in a few years, but that's okay. The kids don't know what they are missing. And the crowds in Provo? No, thanks. We need to find a small town parade to start going to.

Here are a few photos of the day:
Oh, the day before the 4th, we went to an Orem Park for the candy bomber drop. The original candy bomber planned a drop to re-enact his original drops during WWII. So, it was INSANELY packed. While it was cool to see the plane fly over head, it was overall quite the bust. We saw maybe 4 candy bars drop and there were supposed to be thousands. I don't know where the rest went, but they probably missed their mark and landed in some neighborhood. Oh well, we can say  we were there. 

Oh and I got to see my friend Brittany, who served in Ecuador with me! She lives in Colorado, so it was totally random to run into her there. She was excited to see Flor again. I haven't seen her since shortly after I got back, so that was really cool. 

Cute, patriotic kids with Grandpa's flag

The kids throwing some Snaps. 

Jacey lost his shoes at one point and was walking around in Devin's. Not a perfect fit, but they worked!

Cute Florinda. Don't worry about looking up her skirt-- at least Shawna provided us with some Spandex so the view wasn't so bad :)

I see that you love me alot, honey...

Selfies gone wrong...Poor headless Devin.

There we go...that's better!

And love these two...not sure where they were during the selfie action. 

Shawna made us a beautiful flag

Getting ready for the fireworks!

Apparently Flor hates being a part of this family...


Yes, yes, you read that right...we are officially matched with M! It's only been a year now since we started this process....Oh boy, it's been a fun one.

The last time I updated the blog about the adoption process I think was when we resent Package II. We heard that it arrived safely and then started hearing almost every Thursday that we were going to be officially assigned. I would get an email in the morning saying "Today's the day!" and then by the end of the day, there was no news. We knew that we were at the bottom of the list to get assigned because we are an international case. After a few weeks, we also heard that there were errors on M's paperwork from the orphanage side that had to be fixed before we could officially be assigned. We had no clue how long that would take to resolve...but ugh..seriously, whatever CAN go wrong HAS gone wrong this time around, am I right, or am I right? One of the weeks they took off too because the Pope was visiting. Okay, fine... that's understandable.

We were into July at this point, but surprisingly, the committee kept meeting. I am not sure why we were under the impression that they would take the whole month of July off. Now we are hearing they will take August off. Anyway, we don't really care at this point, because we have what we need from them!

We got an email Friday morning, the 24th, stating that we had officially been matched on the 16th. Why it took a week to get us the information and documents, I don't know. But we are not complaining at this point! That was a much better email- a surprise- instead of a "you'll be assigned" and then being disappointed when it didn't happen.

So, we know little from here about timelines, but we are guessing (and this could vary widely) that if I800 is filed this week as it is supposed to be (our agency has the documents and attaches the information from Ecuador on M...so they file for us), that hopefully we can get approval and Article 5 issued in a month or so. So, we anticipate that if all goes well, we can travel in 6-8 weeks. With Flor, it was 6 weeks from time of assignment to travel. We hope sooner rather than later-- tickets are at all all time cheap right now! That'd be awesome if they stayed this low...

Anyway, we are super excited! My cousin Hailie is there now and she has been sending me updates on M. She doesn't think she has been told yet that she is being adopted. I hope she is around when she is told....how cool would that be? Even cooler if she could take pictures, but we all know that isn't happening. Speaking of pictures, I did get two from the agency--the first we have seen of her since we were there in 2012. She is really grown up, really tall, and really beautiful! I will share those some day when I can.

Information we have gathered from both Kenna and Hailie about our girl:

*She is super energetic and spunky
*She is well liked at the orphanage (hurray!)
*She is extremely skinny and very tall (Hailie says about her height- 5'3"---crazy! We will have the world's tallest Ecuadorian and the world's shortest Ecuadorian!)
*She likes to play soccer and basketball
*She cares alot about the younger kids and is always looking out for them
*She's a cuddler
*She wears glasses for reading but doesn't like to wear them (We are going to have to get her the most rockin' pair ever so that she likes them better)
*She is apparently in an English class, but struggles. Hailie says she is smart in all other subjects
*Her favorite colors are pink and purple

I am going to start shopping a little bit for clothes for her to take. I think we have approximate sizes (and even shoe size- Hailie spied on that for me too!). I will get just a few outfits to get us through until we get home and then let her pick her own clothes. She likely has nothing to her name that is her own, nor has she ever. So having her own clothing will hopefully be exciting for her.

If we go in six weeks, we will be at the beginning to mid- September, which means that we could spend both M's birthday and mine there (hers is the day before mine!) We would love to be there for her birthday. We arrived right before Flor's birthday last time and that was a really neat experience to have a birthday with her in her native country. Devin's birthday will likely happen while there too (He's October 4), but he could possibly be back too. He will come until court is over and then return with Flor and Hals so they can go back to school and he can go back to work.

At the same time that we are rejoicing in excitement, we are also thinking of and praying for M as she is about to experience a huge loss in her life. The loss of her culture, her language, her friends, her school, her customs, her parental figures, EVERYTHING is going to be taken from her. That kind of loss cannot be underestimated. We are praying specifically for her to be comforted through that and to adjust well to our family. We are not naive to the challenges that may come. I have studied and worked in the field of attachment for a while now and so I understand the risks of adjustment and attachment. We are adjusting our expectations and will follow her lead with what she needs when she gets here. For now, though, we will be focusing on the gift that she will be to our family. What a crazy process this has been (and it's not over)-- but even through it all, never have we felt so strongly the Lord's hand in our lives. We know this is His will for us and for her and we are anxious to see it through. We are grateful for all the support  you have all given us and continue to give.

July 18, 2015

Strobel Family Reunion 2015: Bear Lake

My sweet, dear grandmother is such a kind, generous woman. Each year she pays for the lodging and food for our ENTIRE family to go to a reunion at some new location each year. This year, we went to beautiful Bear Lake. It was great for us because it is so close by. My grandma rented this humongous cabin that fit almost all 150 of us that came. There were three additional smaller condos that were nearby that some people used, but everyone else was in the big cabin. Each family had a room with an attached bathroom, so that was extra nice.

And now for the onslaught of pictures!

See that $3 hat was worth it! Binda loves that thing.
 Day One:
We spent the morning on a hike/scavenger hunt and then the afternoon at the lake!
Cute kiddos ready to hike!

Cute Claire with her dad

Jace thinks he is one of the big boys. He spent as much time as possible with Uncle Jack and Logan. 

Flor let me borrow her hat! What a sweetie. 

The cabin had a lighthouse complete with a bed way up high. Lucky Trisha got the 5 extra flights of stairs every day. :)

A view of the family/dining area of the cabin

 At the lake:
Some of my awesome Riddoch cousins

Flor was unsure of things at first and then just sat in the same spot and had the time of her life

...especially when Jace dumped water on her head (really! She laughed like crazy)

Fun with Grandpa Dave

Flor just struggles with pictures sometimes. Oh and Devin wasn't there this day until way later because he was "working" (aka golfing)

Me and my sister

My cousin Meagan with her cute girls, Bella, Tiffany, and Charlotte


These two are the best of friends

Why's she mad? Because I made her wear a life jacket of course. She threw the biggest fit known to man. 

HAHAHA!! I am such a mean mom!

Cute cousins. Jace and Hinckley. They are one month apart. It's fun for us to see them every so often! His mom Anneka was one of my closest friends growing up and as a bonus, we were cousins too!

How about this neato theater room?

Family talent shows are always entertaining...

Sweet grandma giving us a little message
 Day Two:
We woke up and went to the Minnedoka Caves for a tour. They were really fun and really cool to see.
Wow, family pictures are hard....

Gosh I wish Florinda liked us...

Gosh I wish Devin and Flor liked us...

I know these pictures are pretty rough because it was dark in there, but the cave was really quite cool to see!

Jennifer and I were the lucky recipients of wild flowers from Jace and Brooklyn. Aren't they so sweet?

And apparently that's where I stopped taking pictures. That afternoon, we swam in the pool and hung out around the cabin. We had a great time eating, playing games, staying up to all hours of the night...you know, the typical reunion stuff! It was especially awesome for us to get to see our old besties Sarah and Daniel as we haven't seen them since they moved to Vegas and we moved to Farmington. They also had twins in that time, so we got to meet sweet Will and Claire. Bummer that I have no pictures of them. Boo.
We left Saturday night from the reunion because Devin had to speak in Sacrament meeting the next day and I was teaching Relief Society. We were bummed to leave early, but it worked out okay for the kids to get back to their regular beds and to adjust for Sunday.
Until next year, Strobels!
Oh and PS...the best, BEST part of the reunion this year? I wasn't in charge of it!! (Right, Sarah?!)

Oh and the worst part of the reunion? When Jace and Brooklyn went missing and we had to send out a search party for them. Yep. True story. Mother's worst nightmare. We eventually found them out by the pool locked in a bathroom, which they wouldnt' come out of until they cleaned up the big mess they had made because they knew they were going to be in trouble. I have never been so simultaneously relieved and mad in my whole life. That kid...I swear he will be the death of me!