Okay, here we go with the saga that is part 2 of the life changes story. I will try to be short-winded (ha ha) this time.
So, through October and November, Koleen, Lauren, and I plugged away at our business and getting everything ready there. A few of the long list of things that ran around like crazy people and did:
- Met with an accountant
- Met with an attorney and set up an LLC
- Filed business paperwork with the state
- opened a bank account
- Got a PO Box (PO Box 2 in case anyone wondered. Doesn't that have a nice ring to it!?)
- Wrote all of our own adoption forms
- Formatted the process for ourselves and clients
- set up a phone number and email accounts
- Started the website process- contacted a web designer, met with him, and wrote all of our web content
- Set up liability insurance for all of us (A HUGE headache!!)
- Recruited an LCSW to join our team (more on that in a minute)
- Meetings, meetings, meetings...
- etc.....
So, we were busy. We were trying to hurry to get everything done before LDSFS made their big announcement so that we would be ready to go. Well....cue the drama (after some pictures of course)
We're official! |
Signing all the legal mumbo jumbo-- don't ask me what it says...but the bottom line is that we are co-owners of a company (a wonderful one at that, might I add) :) |
A very blurry selfie (bet you couldn't tell!) but it is the only one I have of all four of us. Me=Crazy Eyes, yes? |
So- as we were rushing to get everything ready (there were a LOT of late nights, let me tell you!), I was again called in to my boss's office around early November to meet with her and to have a conference call with her boss. It was then that they told me that no changes were going to be coming to LDSFS afterall, at least for the time being. I won't go into all the details, but supposedly all necessary approval had not been given for the changes. This was kind of a slap in the face because we were told specifically that ALL approval had been given that was needed when we were first told that our jobs were disappearing. This new news also meant that my job was safe. I think everyone wanted me to be excited and to feel relief, but honestly, I just felt upset. I felt like my life had been messed with and no one really cared about the consequences for me in this big mess. My thought was that if all SSWs were sat down and told that jobs were disappearing and that changes were coming, they should expect that people are going to make other plans for their life, which many of us did. They should never have had that conversation with us unless they were 100% sure that that was the path the company was going to go.
With the new news, I felt like I was in a position where i was going to need to make some difficult decisions. Do I wait it out at LDSFS to see how things are going to go? Or do I put my all into this business that I have already poured so much of myself into? It was such a tough and uncomfortable place to be. On the one hand, my job at LDSFS was incredible. I have absolutely loved what I do. I would miss so much by quitting. But on the other hand, the rumors were still flying (and still are) that changes were still eventually going to come, but that the process would just be slower than initially thought. So, do I wait it out and hope I make it until the changes come and hope by then that I have a Masters? Do I risk having them drop the bomb (again) that my job was gone in a few more months? There just seemed to be too many unknowns. Staying at LDSFS seemed to me like a direct conflict of interest with the new business, too, and there was no way I was turning my back on Utah Adoption Specialists. Koleen and I were very open with our boss and her boss about what we were doing and what our intentions are for the new business and we were told that we could in fact do both- work at LDSFS and run our new business. The more I thought about it though, the conflict seemed too great to me, especially since we serve the same client base. I would never want to be caught in an ethical dilemma, even if unintentional, and those chances seemed to high.
I knew after weighing everything in my mind, praying about it, and talking to Devin extensively that the decision I needed to make was to leave LDSFS. However, I still held on. Giving up on something I have loved for so long to jump into such a big unknown is scary. So terrifying that I was paralyzed with the fear for a long time to actually make the decision and put my two weeks notice. Doing so when our business is still in its infancy, we have no website yet (hopefully soon!) and we are just barely ready and able to provide home studies but with little advertising so far, seemed so risky. And it is. But, eventually, after knowing for weeks what I needed to do, I finally said it out loud to Devin. He agreed that it was right, telling me that "I have my pole in too many ponds" (truer words have never been spoken). I cried for hours that night at the thought of saying goodbye to this job, but I knew it was right. I still get sad when I recall that conversation. Before I lost courage, I went in to talk to my boss the next day to let her know my decision. She was very supportive, but reminded me multiple times that due to the hiring freeze, they wouldn't be able to take me back if I really did make the plunge. I was fully aware of that and fully ready to take both feet into the uncharted territory of business ownership.
I gave my two weeks' notice on Friday Dec 13, but my two weeks actually was only one as we decided it would be best for me to wrap things up and get my caseload transferred before Christmas. My internship was kind enough to give me the week of, so I spent that whole next week at LDSFS wrapping everything up. It was bittersweet and very sad at points, but I felt the calm peace throughout that the decision was right for me and for our family.
So, with that, I am not fully invested in Utah Adoption Specialists! I am excited and anxious for this new adventure. I really feel good about it. I know that it will take times for the ball to get rolling and for business to pick up. I fully expect that things will be slow for the first while, but that is okay. I am also excited for the flexibility that working for myself will provide. I can do the majority of my work from home and can work whenever I want. This will work well with being a mom and allowing Devin to work days (which he hasn't done at all for our entire marriage). Lots of questions still ahead, but I feel good about where we are going.
Know anyone adopting? If they live in Utah, I know some fabulous people who provide awesome home studies! :)