It probably seems like I don't update about Flor very often. The truth is that it is really much easier to update about Hallie and Jace because their lives/development happens quickly enough that it is easier to track changes. However, let me just tell you that when Flor makes progress, it is a big deal to this mama! I am proud of each and every little thing that Flor does.
Darling little cheeser |
So, with that said, here is a little bit about what Flor has been up to.
Flor is in summer school again, which consists of going to school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday each week from 8:30-11:30. It's not much, but it is something! I still wish I could find more programs for her, but alas, all my searching has been in vain so far.
When I think back on first bringing Flor home to now, there are MAJOR changes. She is much more conscious of others' space, which was a huge ordeal when we first came home. I have probably talked about her first doctor's appointment before- where I had absolutely zero control over her and she insisted on sitting on the doctor's lap the whole time. she doesn't do that and if she did, she knows to listen to mom and dad when we ask her to not do certain things. She is really leaps and bounds better. A different girl almost. This may seem like a minor thing to some of you, but to me it is a big, big deal. Yay Flor!
Flor still goes to Primary each week and I love that our ward takes such good care of her. She has a fabulous primary teacher, plus the whole presidency has been wonderful about accommodating her. I was in primary one week for some reason and they sang multiple "wiggle songs" just for her. It was cute. She is in senior primary now, so she is with the big kids and just looks incredibly cute amongst all the kids who are so much bigger than she is. Flor also gave the scripture in primary for the first time a few weeks ago! It is little things like this that mean a lot to me as a mom. I know that the ward could easily say that it is not worth it to include her and that it doesn't mean anything to her anyway, but it means a lot to me. Flor is non-verbal, so the fact that they even considered her to give the scripture is so sweet. We ended up having Devin read the scripture while Flor was up front with him, while Flor did the sign for "baptism", which is what her scripture was about. The baptism sign is kind of a hard one, so she did the best she could. :)
I don't think I ever mentioned here that Flor and I were filmed about a month ago for a video presentation that is going to be shown at Education Week at BYU about raising children with disabilities in the LDS Church. That was a fun and unique experience. I answered questions while Flor sat there and played with the boom (is that what it is called?) that was hanging in our faces. So, we will probably look a bit silly, but I doubt I will ever see it, so that makes it okay. A number of other families were interviewed and then the whole piece will be edited together. Let me know if any of you happen to see it! I was happy that I was able to share such positive experiences, because that is what we have had. Our ward has been nothing but phenomenal. Since Devin and I went to the senior primary at the beginning of the year to talk to them about Flor and how she is like them (where I cried the entire time--yeah. Why? I have no idea. I was just emotional, okay!?) we have kids who come up to Flor every week just to give her a hug in the hall. So sweet.
Two quick stories about Flor and her progress and then I will be done. I know I am long-winded!
She has recently begun to nod her head yes when she means yes and this has been so exciting for us! She has always been a head shaker (no) whenever we ask her questions, but now you can just see the little wheels in her head spinning when we ask her something that she does want. It takes her a second and then she gets a big grin on her face and nods her head. So proud of herself! Watching her unlock the world of communication is amazing and inspiring.
And...this second story just blows me away. Yesterday, we were driving back from Idaho (Relay for Life and Brad's wedding in Brigham City-- more to come on both!) and I looked back and Flor kept doing the same thing over and over. She was knocking with one hand on the elbow of the other hand. I thought it was weird, but just let her continue doing it. Finally, it dawned on me that she was doing the sign for "cracker"! There was a box of crackers sitting by me, in her plain sight, and she wanted one! I had no idea that she knew the sign for cracker. We have not worked with her on it at all, but she has seen it on the "Signing Times" videos. She is soaking up more than we thought! I wonder what else she has in her little bag of tricks? I was so so proud of her-she got as many crackers as she wanted. She certainly was proud of herself soon as I got it and reacted with praise, she was laughing and smiling and laughing some more...oh that girl, such a smarty.
We have been home with Flor for about 18 months now. To any families who are adopting an older child, I would definitely say just to be patient for the first year. Things get better after that, though honestly the first year was kind of rough for us. Now, we have a rhythm down and honestly I think it helps that we are not hauling her off to a new doctor every other week too. This past six months has been wonderful and it has been so nice to feel "normal" and at equilibrium again. It feels like Flor has been with us forever and I know that there would be a huge hole in our family without her. We sure love this sweet girl and we are grateful for all she teaches us.