December 31, 2010

Christmas 2010

I think the majority of people who read my blog are also my friends on facebook, so most of you have seen these pictures. BUT- for the sake of the blog and the idea that one day I might make it into a book, let's review Christmas 2010.
We had a FABULOUS holiday this year. I went home on the Wednesday before with Carlie and Devin came Friday morning. We were able to stay clear through Tuesday, which is like a record for us. Usually we are there 1-2 days and then have to get back for work. So it was especially nice to be able to relax and just do whatever we want without feeling too rushed to see everyone and do everything.

DAY ONE: The 23rd is my grandma's birthday (dad's mom) as well as my cousin Carlie's birthday (mom's side). Each year we have an annual celebration called "Carlie Stew" that my Uncle Charlie used to head up before he died. Now we just order from a local restaurant, Chiz's, and enjoy the food someone else makes. This year, we went to lunch for the big birthday for Carlie and then spent the afternoon sledding behind the snowmobiles at my aunt and uncle's house. I went to dinner with my dad, sister, aunt, and uncle for Grandma's birthday and then headed back to the other Grandma's house for the rest of Carlie's bash. (Can you tell it gets confusing for Hallie when we talk about "grandmas"? She has a billion. She mentions a grandma, then clarifies, "the other grandma" and we still have no idea who she means...) Avery is just a few years older than Hals, but ya know, Hallie sure is drowning her here, huh?

I didn't ride on the sled because I was afraid it would send me into labor, but I did ride on the snowmobile. I thought it was safe as it was Uncle Charlie's and is at least 15 years old, tops out at 25 mph, and we were on a flat surface. It was great.
Hallie loved both riding on the sled and riding on the machine. She is an animal. She laughed the whole time while going on rides.
For Christmas Eve, we have an annual Strobel Family Party at my Grandma's house. Since my grandpa passed away this year, my dad was in charge of the "State of the Family Address." It was about 10 times shorter than my Grandpa's version, but he did a nice job of covering the important topics.
We of course have to have the Nativity as well, which wouldn't be complete without a few kids picking their noses (not pictured- you can thank me later), a few fights over who gets to be who, and a few tantrums from those children who refuse to participate (such as Hallie. She was supposed to be an angel, but refused to wear the crown. She kept saying "YOU wear it Mommy." Now that would have looked silly). Needless to say, this tradition is one of my favorites.

Another favorite part is catching up with cousins that I don't get to see as often as I would like. Anneka and I grew up together and went to high school together and have been great friends for years, but we only get to see each other a few times a year due to her living in Washington and my living in Utah. At least we are family so we happen to bump into each other at family parties and get togethers. Yay for that.
After the Strobel party, we head to my dad's house to open presents with him. On the way there, Hallie busted out the laptop. It took Devin and I a minute to notice that she was being particularly quiet, so we looked back to see this. She announced that she was doing homework. Then I turned the camera to video to see if she would repeat it, but she then said she was "doing mom's work." Wouldn't that be nice? I am sure she would write a fabulous home study. Anyway, the movie turned out really dark, otherwise I would post it.
The highlight of the night for Hallie was the bike that Grandma and Grandpa gave her! Her own wheels-she is so excited. She had everyone push her around the house at least a few times. We will work on her learning to do the pedals herself, but right now she is just a bit short. Should be perfect this summer, though! Isn't it crazy that our baby is big enough to ride a bike????
Hallie also loved walking around with the bags on her head, as pictured here. What a goof.
Merry Christmas! The big day finally arrived. I love Christmas and everything about it. I always wish the day would go in slow motion because it always seems to end too quickly. Before the festivities began, Hallie wanted to pose for a picture for me. What a cutie.

Opening her stocking. She was spoiled by both sets of grandparents. So much so that Devin and I decided we never need to buy her a gift again and she won't know the difference.
My mom made these cute aprons for all the girls. I am excited to have one that is actually decent looking, instead of the one I sewed when I was like 14 during lessons with my grandma (who told me as kindly as possible that I should probably stick to zig zag stitch while my sister and other two cousins were free to use the straight stitch. See why I haven't sewn a thing since?)
Hallie loved opening presents. She barely got through one before she was on to the next one. She even insisted upon opening other people's presents. When she and Sadie had the same gift from Grandma, she would want to trade multiple times to have her hands on both in the opening process.
Grandma Lisa got the girls these cute outfits, which they both insisted upon putting on immediately. Everyone laughed at how Sadie's bum sagged in hers, but Hals' was quite tight. :) Poor girl.

Later that afternoon, we headed to my Grandma Daniels' house for her annual party. When I think of Christmas, it is not complete without being at my Grandma's house. There is just so much going on and I love being with everyone.

Hallie and Jack got a ride from Houston in this bucket for quite some time. What entertainment!

Hallie is such a cheeseball. Please explain to me why she refuses to keep her hair done? Oh well, its like a trademark for her now. Crazy hair-Crazy Hallie.
My grandma just loves Devin. She tells me every opportunity that she has what a "Prince Charming" he is. She kept her hand on his knee during the entire gift opening process. I think its cute that she loves him so much and agree that he is a great egg.
Of course no party is complete without games galore and in the Clark family nonstop food. No matter that we just ate a huge meal. We continue to each large pickles, candy, nuts, desserts, relish tray, and shrimp. If you are not eating, you are not a Clark.


Sunday we spent the morning at Church and then headed to my dad's house for lunch. We spent the afternoon there and then went to my aunt and uncle's house for a large round of games. If you have never played Clue Charades, you should. It is HILARIOUS. I am sorry to say that I did not take any pictures of this event. Maybe next time.


Monday we decided to head back up to Sue and Judd's house for more snowmobiling/sledding action. My grandma insisted that we should go for Devin since he wasn't there when we went before. This time turned out to be a HUGE party on the hill as extended families from various family members showed up. It was great, despite the harsh and freezing wind.

I am not even going to post the full body shot of my awesome suit, but let's just say that it is awesome. This is my grandma's suit and she kindly brought it for me...knowing my pregnant state, she brought me the Men's XL. Super awesome. Its a one piece extravaganza from 1980 or prior and even comes complete with a belt. Good thing I'm not ashamed.
Devin and Hallie went down the hill a few times and then we decided that it was too cold for her so we went in. I rode on the sled behind the machine this time and had a great time. No worries, no labor for me.
Once inside, we all ate (again), had hot chocolate, and colored some pictures. This is a Clark trait through and through. Almost everyone loves to color and so each family party, people can be found at one time or another sitting around coloring a picture. Sue has these awesome HUGE coloring books which make coloring all the better.

We packed up early so that we could get on the road back home. Though the time in Idaho was lovely, it is always nice to get home too. I should have taken pictures of the car. We had so much junk, it was all packed in everywhere. The trunk, the seats in the back, my feet, everywhere. Good thing Devin has the "packing disease" and can shove things and make them fit.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! Truly we are blessed and we are grateful for the birth of the Savior, which is the true reason we celebrate the season.

December 29, 2010

30 weeks

So I have a billion things to update on and a huge old post on Christmas, but apparently I thought this was more without further ado, 30 weeks of pregnancy. I have gotten A LOT bigger in the past five weeks. I guess that is good...
I think I am bigger than I was with Hallie. And to think- still 10 weeks to go. Below is my pregnancy with Hallie, just for comparison.
So far everything is going well. I was feeling the baby a lot lower for most of this pregnancy, but recently he has started getting into my ribs alot like Hallie did. No fun. The heartburn is also killer, so I am popping Tums like it is going out of style. Other than that, I can't complain!

More to come!

December 15, 2010


Remember this list? Well I haven't given up on it! I am still working on accomplishing everything on it. Apparently I have until October to finish the last 24 items. I don't know if I can do some of them, but we will see! I just love lists and I especially love crossing things off lists. I am one of those people who adds things like "wake up" to my list for the day just so that I can cross it off.

Anyway, Carlie graced us with her presence yesterday so that we could make gingerbread houses, which accomplishes number 86 on my fabulous list. I mean, of course we didn't really use gingerbread, we went the easy graham cracker route, but that counts, right?

Devin was less than impressed with my candy choices for the houses-tootsie rolls, lifesavers, candy canes, and gumballs. But, to my defense, I was at the dollar store and the options are sort of limited there. He had to run out and buy more graham crackers and I think we made an extra two or three batches of frosting-let's be honest, this was serious work!
Carlie started out making the Taj Mahal of gingerbread houses-but quickly learned that such a large house was not going to stay standing, so she had to scale back. Aw, so sad.
Here is my finished product. Such a beaut, right? I know, those gumballs look awesome on my fancy house.
And here is Devin's. He is such a perfectionist. Look at his gumdrop tree (he also had to buy those while at the store...apparently gingerbread houses are not complete without gumdrops.) Please also note the "smoke" coming out of the chimney. Who thinks of these things?!
Carlie's scaled back Taj Mahal. Fancy still. Love the walk leading up to the door. It's awesome. Next time I will let Devin pick out the candies we use so that there will be no complaints. :)

Serious works of art. Mine and Carlie's ended up looking a little similar, but great minds think alike, right?

As for the girls, they helped with the gingerbread houses for a while-and by helped I mean ate the candy and crackers and attacked the houses at every opportunity they were given. They went to bed midway through, luckily.

What else have they been up to? Well, remember the sugar cookies we made on Monday (man, I make it seem like we do nothing but eat and make junk. That may be true...)? I woke up to this on Tuesday morning:

Hallie had hauled a chair up to the counter and got a full plate of the cookies. This is what was left. So between her and Sadie, they ate about 5 1/2 cookies. It was generous to leave that last 1/2, right? I am absolutely positive Hallie had 3/4 if not all of them herself. She probably didn't share. She had pulled out her fake kitchen items and put the cookies on the plates to eat them. I saw the remnants on her bedroom floor. So-lesson learned. Leave all items that are edible on top of the fridge when going to bed. OR wake up with your children. :) I am sure they both enjoyed their breakfast that day.
Sugar high? Yes! The other funny thing is that they have been insisting upon wearing similar outfits. The first day it was pink shirts and then the next day pink pants. Today it was polka dots. Cute, nonetheless.

Today I was at work and Devin decided to make the most of the little snow we got and built a little ramp in the front yard for the girls to go sledding down.
I am sure they had more fun than these pictures let on. Love their matching coats too, right?

No sledding trip is complete without hot chocolate! What a good uncle/daddy.

Two more things to add to my love of the season list: Gingerbread houses and sledding! Happy soon to be Christmas!

December 13, 2010

Two 2 year olds...

=quite the adventure! We are only on day 2...and I am exhausted!

My sister Jennifer (glad to clarify since she is my only sister) got married on Saturday to the wonderful Steve. Pictures of that will come later, maybe, depending on when my mom gets hers to me. Who forgot her camera for the whole weekend? Yeah, that would be me. Anyway, we are lucky enough to have Sadie with us for the week while Jen and Steve are on their cruise. Jennifer was freaking out about it a bit, so we are doing our best to prove how capable we are.

So far, we have only had a few rough spots- one involving two screaming little girls in a car because each was putting their hand where the other wanted. Lesson learned- separate the car seats. The other involved feeding the children too many craisins. I'll let you figure that one out. (Let's also remember that Hallie is potty trained. So too many craisins, panties, and being at church equates to a terrible mix...Good thing I had Devin readily available to help (and by help I mean take care of 100%) with the problem).

Anyway, keeping up with these girls is enough to wear me out! How do people have more than one child? I guess I will soon find out. While they do pretty well to entertain each other, their ideas of entertainment are different than mine. For example, splashing in the toilet does not sound fun to me. Nor does slamming every door in the house over and over and laughing hysterically. Too bad neither of them will sit still to watch a movie. Maybe that is a good thing though or we would be doing nothing but watching movies.

Here is the proof for Jennifer that I am a great babysitter and should be left with her child at all times when needed:

call me "trouble"
call me "trouble 2"
Devin had the girls for the morning and had it easy-short play time, lunch, then naps. Our first activity of the afternoon when I arrived home from work was to color. Sadie lasted about 2 minutes but colored her picture much more extensively than Hallie, who lasted about 10 minutes, but thought it was more fun for me to help her draw "turkeys" (tracing her hand) the whole time versus coloring her picture. I, on the other hand, lasted a good hour and colored a wonderful masterpiece while the girls wreaked havoc on the doors and toilet (see above).
Our second activity was to make sugar cookies. I needed something that would last a good long time and what better way to celebrate Christmas than with little gingerbread men shaped sugar cookies? The girls loved the first part, the mixing of the ingredients.

Licking the beater. Hallie is definitely in charge in this relationship and makes sure to let Sadie know. This is right after I said "Hallie, share with Sadie!" Sadie is dutifully opening her mouth and Hallie even got her hand right up to Sadie's mouth before shoving the dough into her own mouth. Eh, no comment on that behavior.
She finally did share, with a lot of pressure and insistence from me. The girls tired of cookie making after this and left me to finish the task while they retired to their previous activities.
Now I have a problem in that I have no more grand ideas of ways to keep them entertained for the rest of the week. Tomorrow we may make gingerbread houses...we will see how that goes with the girls. Other than that, I'll take any brilliant ideas on entertaining these two for the rest of the week!

December 5, 2010

'Tis the Season!

I am so excited that it is December. This is by far my favorite time of the year- I love everything about the season- the sights, the sounds, the smells, the food, everything! Of course I look forward most to spending time with family and celebrating the Savior's birth, but there are so many little things leading up to Christmas that just make me happy too. Here are some of my all-time favorite ways to celebrate the season:

Christmas Coloring: I love coloring year-round, but it is extra special around Christmas time. I come from a family of coloring addicts. When we get together at my grandma's, it is not weird to find a large group sitting at the table coloring.

The TREATS: Need I say more? I feel the urge to bake something new everyday. It's getting ridiculous. There are just so many yummy holiday treats. (although I will skip the divinity every time. Anyone even like that stuff? Pretty sure that is the only sugar-related item I have found that I don't like.)
Movies: I love so many Christmas movies. I need to build up my collection because I have already watched all the ones I own, plus some. There are so many great Christmas movies. I typically am not one to sit and watch movies very often, but this time of year, its about all I want to do! Cozy up on the couch with some hot chocolate, a movie, a coloring book, and a huge blanket? Amazing.

Gingerbread Houses: This is an annual tradition for Devin and I so far. Of course ours are oh-so-professional, but it is a fun thing to do anyway. It has been good for us to establish some of our own traditions in the past few years of marriage.
The Music: I can't wait to bust out the Christmas music each year. I LOVE IT. It is on all day, everyday at our house. I love the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas music and the annual Christmas program (which I have been lucky enough to see the last few years. Not this year, though...darn it.) My favorite Christmas album of all time though is Josh Groban's Noel. We listen to it at least a few times per day and I never get sick of it.

The Hot Chocolate: We have this handy dandy cocoa maker and it is in use daily around here. I can't get enough of the hot chocolate. I love any flavor, but am fine with the plain ol' stuff. So good.
The Forgottten Carols: Have you seen this? I had always heard so much about it but never had the chance to see it until last year when my cousin was gracious enough to give us her tickets. I loved it so much. Che' and I got DVD's when we went to Good Things Utah last year and I have made good use of the DVD, watching it several times already. It is so great. I love the music in it and the message. What a great way to ring in the Christmas season.
There are so many more things I love about this season, perhaps I will post more as the month goes by. I just love the excitement in the air and the general feeling all month long. It's amazing.

Happy December to each of you! What are your favorite ways to celebrate the season?