May 27, 2008
The End of an Era

May 22, 2008
Thank Goodness for Good Ol' Uncle John
Since I was home, I thought it would be convenient to see if my fabulous Uncle John, a radiologist here in town, would do an ultrasound for me of the baby. I think I am overly paranoid (ok, I know I am overly paranoid) about everything and I wanted to see if the baby was alive. I know, horrible. I had no real reason to believe its not, I just worry, you know. Plus, I have not had any ultrasounds yet at all. I know some doctors do them early on and some don't. Well, mine does not do it till 20 weeks to tell the gender of the baby. So I was eager to see how things are going.
John is one busy man, but he found time to squeeze me into his schedule. My dad and I met him at the clinic and he did an ultrasound for me. I have to say, it is a different feeling to see the child that I am carrying (although I don't really feel like I am carrying anything, thus the concern). But, everything was great, the baby has all its limbs, it has a great heart which we saw beat multiple times (because I made John keep going back to show me that it was, in fact, beating). That baby sure is the cutest thing. The best part was when he/she started waving at me! So cute.
Since I am 15 weeks, that is generally a little early to tell what the gender of the baby is, but I told John that if he could tell, not to tell me because I wanted to find out with Devin with me. Well, the baby had its legs crossed at first, so John didn't think he would be able to tell anyway, but then he went back to look again, told me to look away, and then announced that he knows what the gender is! Haha. I don't know and my uncle does. But we will wait 5 more weeks to see and then see if John was right. Funny, huh? It's still a little early, so he may be wrong.
That's all! Just glad the baby is alive and well and happy, too.
May 20, 2008
Chicago (finally!)

May 2, 2008
And the last tidbit of Info....
Oh and if you are curious, the due date is Nov 11th or so!
May 1, 2008
New Jobs!!!
Don't even worry...these are not the actual teenagers at Vantage Point. But, hey, they might be there soon if they keep holding onto their saws and bats like that.
Second, I interviewed at LDS Family Services this past Monday. I heard about the job through the grapevine and I didn't know this until my interview, but they hadn't posted this job, they only were advertising word of mouth. So lucky me! I got a call from them today and it looks like I will be working there as well! WAHOO!!! The job is also part time, 19 hours per week. I am so excited, this job is really like my dream job. I will be an adoption case worker. I will work with birth mothers and adoptive couples to form forever families! I can't wait to get started. But, I have to wait until I can get my SSW lisence, which can only been done when BYU decides to post my degree to my transcript. So, let's hope that happens soon! So, for the summer I will be doing these two part time jobs and leaving LA after four years! I think change is good.

The Best Year of My Life!

Here Devin is driving the big old truck back to Lynn's shop later in the day. He liked that.
Later that night, we went out to dinner at Ruby River. Devin LOVED that...ribs and steak...nothing better! This is the only picture that I have of the event, of course. After we left the parking lot, Devin and I went to the car and he totally surprised me! He had already sent me roses that day and gotten me gummies (my favorite candy) so I thought that was all! But, I was wrong! We got into the car and he pulled out from under the mat a ring box! He got me a wedding band because I have never had one! Everyone always asks me when I am getting married. Haha. I had no idea what he was doing! He enlisted the help of his sister Alisa to help him pick it out and he snuck behind my back and did the whole thing. He went one day when he told me that he was going to help his sister do some spring cleaning. I didn't even think twice about it because that is totally something Devin would do. But what a sweet boy! I felt dumb that I just got him some church shoes. haha. The ring is being sized and sautered to my other ring, so I can't post pictures right now, but maybe later.
What a happy anniversary! Just for the record, I love my Devin!