May 30, 2006

Memorial Day Mayhem

I saw the funniest thing this weekend. It should not have been as funny as it was, considering the circumstances, but it was.
I went home for the weekend for the holiday and continuing with family tradition (I would abbrev. that if I knew how to spell it...), we visited three cemetaries to place flowers on every long-lost relative's grave that we could think of. I was driving my grandma's car with my grandma, cousin, and her boyfriend in tow. We were manuevering our way down one of the skinny little dirt roads that they have in cemetaries, I know you know what I am talking about. Anyway, there was a little old lady driving towards us and all the sudden, right before our very eyes, she veered off the path and slammed into a grave! The headstone literally flew through the air before landing a few feet away upside down. The poor little old lady jumped out and stood there looking shocked. We couldn't believe what we just saw. After a few seconds of silence though, we couldn't contain our laughter. It's not every day that you see something like that. Not to worry, we helped the lady out and put the headstone back where it belonged. But it was funny while it lasted.

May 9, 2006

a bunch of randomness

I have three things to say:

1) Gabe gave me the rights to his blog! Yay! I am currently open to suggestions as to what Gabe should be blogging about.

2) Jason said something funny the other day. It went like this: "Whoa. The freshmen are soon going to be juniors!" (Weird how that happens huh...). I'm not even going to argue the point anymore.

3) RONNIE IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats all I have today! life is pretty boring, although I must admit its a whole lot better here in Provo than it was at home.